Importing from text file --> 2000

  • Hi,

    I sucessfully imported data from a text file to a table using DTS.

    The points are:

    1. DTS did not let me choose an existing table I have to import these rows. It created a table using file name. No problem for me, but again I did not have a chance do define column names or data type.

    2. The first row in the file does not contain the columns names. Does it prevent me from using column names as I want ?

    3. Could (or should) I be using stored procedure to do so?

    4. It's non-cumulative once a day insert of 150.000 rows (day before is deleted), for SELECT operations only. Should I build index (non-clustered) before or after the insert?

    5. Anything I missed ?

    Thanks a lot, in advance...

  • 1) DTS does allow you to set the table, even if it does not exist you can type in your own name.

    2) Cannot remember offhand but there is an option (advasnce on the destination page I believe) where you can build the table def.

    3) Not sure what you mean.

    4) For fastest import delete the index then add after, or since is so infequent just don't worry about. May also want to set as a clustered if it will be the only index to keep query speed highest possible (again you can drop the index before the import then add aftwards for fastest import).

    5) Don't think so.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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