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A New Word: Hickering


hickering – n.  the habit of falling hard for whatever pretty new acquaintance happens to come along, spending hours wallowing in the handful of details you can gather about them, connecting the dots into elaborate constellations, even imaging an entire future together – images that have no particular purpose, except that they’re kind fun to think about.

This sounds like a teenage love story habit, which I see from kids I coach, or from my kids in the past.

I’m not often enamored with new friends, and can be a bit wary or distant. I certainly get that from my parents, who were a little hesitant to add new friends. I do make new friends, and I find people very interesting in new ways, but I rarely feel hickering where I try to learn more about them.

I tend to flow in life and enjoy the interactions without looking to make them more or less important than there are in the moment.

From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

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