Blog Post

The London Redgate Summit Comes on Apr 17


I’m heading to the UK in a few weeks for the London Redgate Summit. This starts a wild period of travel for me, but I’m excited. This is the second Summit of 4 this year, and it’s a great chance for Redgate customers and prospects to learn about our three pillars of a better database environment:

  • End to End Database DevOps
  • Test Data Management
  • Monitoring

The schedule is out, with lots of great speakers on a variety of topics. We will have lots of other Redgate engineers and others. I’ve got a few sessions that day:

  • The New Database Landscape
  • Panel: Next-Gen Database DevOps: Introducing Platform Engineering
  • Essential Practices for Seamless Database Deployments
  • Panel: Why the database is increasingly important to the boardroom

However, there are three tracks running together: New and Future Tech, Deep Dives, and Thought Leadership. Bring a colleague (or two) and attend some different sessions and compare notes during the breaks. We’ve got a lot of info and experts, and this is a great chance to have a team outing. Or maybe a manager/technologist learning day.

The Redgate Summit is the best chance to interact with the company and learn how we want to partner with you. And that’s what we want to do.

We’re successful when our customers are successful.

That’s been an internal theme at the company as we’ve moved to subscription software. We are partners now with all our customers.

Join me at the the London Redgate Summit for a great time.

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