Need Help for performance

  • Hi All,

    I am using a Function code below for each row, this is called for 15000 rows. and it is working very slow.
    Can any one please help me

        @InputString VARCHAR(8000),
        @Delimiter VARCHAR(50),
        @ConsumptionFlags VARCHAR(8000),
        @IgnoredConsumptionFlags VARCHAR(8000),
        @persistConsumptionFlags VARCHAR(8000),
        @persistxml XML

    SET    @InputString = '0|0|0|1|0|0|54|78|0|0|0|147|0|0|0|0|0|0|0'
    SET    @Delimiter = '|'
    SET    @ConsumptionFlags = '0001000000000000000'
    SET    @IgnoredConsumptionFlags = null
    SET    @persistConsumptionFlags = '7|7|7|7|7|7|1|1|7|7|7|1|7|7|7|7|1|1'
    SET    @persistxml = '<Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>1</Item><Item>1</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>1</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>7</Item><Item>1</Item><Item>1</Item>'

      DECLARE @Result NVARCHAR(Max)

        Declare    @Items TABLE
                [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                Item VARCHAR(8000)

        Declare    @Persist TABLE
                [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
                Item [int]

    INSERT INTO @Persist
    SELECT Item = T.c.value('.','varchar(20)')
    FROM @persistxml.nodes('/Item') T(c)
    WHERE T.c.value('.','varchar(20)') <> ''

         IF @IgnoredConsumptionFlags = ''
         SET @IgnoredConsumptionFlags = null

      IF @Delimiter = ' '
        SET @Delimiter = ','
        SET @InputString = REPLACE(@InputString, ' ', @Delimiter)

      IF (@Delimiter IS NULL OR @Delimiter = '')
        SET @Delimiter = ','

      DECLARE @Item      VARCHAR(8000)
      DECLARE @ItemList   VARCHAR(8000)
      DECLARE @DelimIndex  INT
         DECLARE @Index  INT

      SET @ItemList = @InputString
      SET @DelimIndex = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @ItemList, 0)
         SET @Index = 1

      WHILE (@DelimIndex != 0)
        SET @Item = SUBSTRING(@ItemList, 0, @DelimIndex)

                IF (Convert(INT,@Item) = 1 and 0 = (SUBSTRING(@ConsumptionFlags, @Index, 1)))
                    SET @Item = Convert(INT,@Item) + 1
                    --PRINT Convert(varchar,@Index) + ' - ' + SUBSTRING(@ConsumptionFlags, @Index, 1) + ' - ' + Convert(varchar, Convert(INT,@Item) + 1)
        INSERT INTO @Items VALUES (@Item)

        SET @ItemList = SUBSTRING(@ItemList, @DelimIndex+1, LEN(@ItemList)-@DelimIndex)
        SET @DelimIndex = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @ItemList, 0)
                SET @Index = @Index+ 1

      IF @Item IS NOT NULL
        SET @Item = @ItemList

                IF (Convert(INT,@Item) = 1 and 0 = (SUBSTRING(@ConsumptionFlags, @Index, 1)))
                    SET @Item = Convert(INT,@Item) + 1

        INSERT INTO @Items VALUES (@Item)
      ELSE INSERT INTO @Items VALUES (@InputString)

        -- Delete Condition which we do not want to Show / Select -- Block Start
         DELETE @Items WHERE ID IN ( 9,10,12,17)

         IF ( ( Select Count(*) FROM @Items WHERE ID in (18,19)) = 2)
            IF EXISTS(
                        Select *
                        FROM @Items I
                        JOIN @Persist SI ON SI.ID = I.ID
                        WHERE I.Item <> 0 AND Convert(INT,I.Item) <= Convert(INT,SI.Item)
                        AND I.ID = 18
                 DELETE @Items WHERE ID = 19

         IF ( ( Select Count(*) FROM @Items WHERE ID = 1 and Item > 0) = 1)
            IF EXISTS(
                        Select *
                        FROM @Items I
                        JOIN @Persist SI ON SI.ID = I.ID
                        WHERE I.Item <> 0 AND Convert(INT,I.Item) <= Convert(INT,SI.Item)
                        AND I.ID = 1
                 DELETE @Items WHERE ID = 11

         -- Block End
         DELETE @Items WHERE ID IN (17,18,19) and Item > 1

        SELECT @Result = COALESCE(@Result + '|', '') + Convert(varchar,I.Id) + ',' + Convert(varchar,I.Item)
        FROM @Items I
        JOIN @Persist SI ON SI.ID = I.ID
        WHERE I.Item <> 0 AND Convert(INT,I.Item) <= Convert(INT,SI.Item)
        AND I.ID NOT IN

            select ID
            from [SplitFunction_Condition](@IgnoredConsumptionFlags,'') WHERE Item <> 0

    Select @Result

  • Please don't post multiple threads for the same question.
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    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Sure, check out this article and discussion:

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