Blog Post

Daily Coping 19 Oct 2022


Today’s coping tip is to take time to reflect on what you have accomplished recently.

What have I done recently? Lots of stuff, but a couple things come out in my mind.

First, SQL Saturday is moving forward. I was at SQL Saturday Boston 2022 recently and I’m heading to SQL Saturday Toronto 2022 this weekend. I didn’t put on these events, but I have been helping the organizers in the background with encouragement, support, and some fundraising. I’m proud of what I’ve done to help and I’m thrilled with the efforts of the various organizers.

Second, I pushed and got the volleyball club where I work to set up some open gyms. I run these each week and I wanted to get them set up as I have a few kids on my team that aren’t participating in high school volleyball, so I wanted to give them a place to play.

I wasn’t sure how this would go, and if I’d have more than a couple of kids show up. I  was prepared to end up teaching a private lesson for a few kids. Instead, 18 kids showed up and I lightly organized them into 4 teams to play. A bunch of them were happy, and asked if we could do it twice a week. Not sure I can do that, but I’m glad that things worked out.

I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQL Server Central newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

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