Blog Post

Daily Coping 15 Apr 2022


I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

Today’s tip is to make sleep a priority and go to bed at a good time.

I don’t always do this, and sometimes I find myself waking up and spending too much time at night reading rather than trying to go to sleep.

I’ve cut down alcohol consumption quite a bit this year, and it has definitely helped my sleep. This week is a short week for me. I worked on chores last Saturday, coached all Sunday, and then had a busy 4 day week before traveling to Chicago Thur afternoon. Today I’m coaching, and we likely won’t get done until late.

To prepare for this weekend, I made sleep a priority this week. Sunday I was tired, as was my wife, and we both fell asleep around 9-930p. A bit early for us.

Monday I had yoga at night and made it a priority to call it a night by 10. Tuesday I did the same thing, but Wednesday we had an evening practice until 9, so by the time we closed down and drove home it was 10. That was closer to a 1045 night.

Not bad, but not great. However, it was helpful to make sleep a higher priority and try to end my day earlier.

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