Blog Post

Power BI Custom Visuals Class (Module 32 – Percentile Chart)


In this module you will learn how to use the Percentile Chart Power BI Custom Visual.  The Percentile Chart is used to show a distribution of values over a range. This helps you answer questions like “What percentage of my customers bought 4 or more items”.

Module 32 – Percentile Chart


Key Takeaways

  • The Percentile Chart allows you to see what percent of your data falls into certain bins of values
  • Helpful in answering questions like “80% of my customers bought at least 4 items”


This Percentile Chart shows the number of children and their average height.

  • Under the Format paintbrush there are a few options available for customizing the Percentile Chart
  • Under the Visual_DataPoint section you can change the color that’s used in the chart line.


  • Changing the Visual_DataPointsLabels section gives you the ability to modify the precision of the data labels on the chart.


  • In addition to these properties you have a set of settings that appears on every visual to adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the visuals aspect ratio.

Find Out More

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