Intellisense Tools

  • Just wondering what everyone's take is on the Intellisense tools that are installed as add-ins to SSMS

    I personally think that the Devart SQLComplete tool is the best because it provides commands as well a the full table column listing with the ability to select multiple columns and it is very quick and easy to use.

    I was trying to use the APEX SQL Complete - which has almost all the same features as the Devart tool but it does not allow for multiple selection - and it is somewhat slow in generating results and sometimes crashes SSMS

    I have not tried RedGate SQL Prompt - hopefully some of you SQL gurus out there have possibly tried all these type of tools for SSMS and was wondering what the general opinion because you don't find this type of in depth reviews when searching online

    Thanks to anyone that responds and provides their feedback


  • vinodajacob (7/22/2016)

    Just wondering what everyone's take is on the Intellisense tools that are installed as add-ins to SSMS

    I personally think that the Devart SQLComplete tool is the best because it provides commands as well a the full table column listing with the ability to select multiple columns and it is very quick and easy to use.

    I was trying to use the APEX SQL Complete - which has almost all the same features as the Devart tool but it does not allow for multiple selection - and it is somewhat slow in generating results and sometimes crashes SSMS

    I have not tried RedGate SQL Prompt - hopefully some of you SQL gurus out there have possibly tried all these type of tools for SSMS and was wondering what the general opinion because you don't find this type of in depth reviews when searching online

    Thanks to anyone that responds and provides their feedback


    Apart from collapsible regions, fast connection-switching between servers/databases and a couple of minor things (for which I use SSMSBoost), SQL Prompt does everything I need and more. Wherever I go, I insist on using it.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • +1 for SQL Prompt

    Recently rolled out copies to entire dev team including standard formatting styles to promote consistency across entire codebase.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I'm a big fan of SQL Prompt too.

    I only have two complaints about it:

    a. I wish that I could create DB-specific or server-specific snippets and

    b. I wish that I could feed it one CSV (per DB naturally) with all of the snippets on it, instead of having to create each snippet individually.

    Aside from these 2 quibbles, I use it all of the time and recommend it to all whom I meet that use SQL Server often.

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