Blog Post

Daily Coping 18 Mar 2022


I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

Today’s tip is to get outside and notice how the weather feels.

I haven’t done much of this lately. It was cold in Denver for lots of Feb/Mar, and in London I was busy inside, running from place to place. I did like walking a little outside, but the walks were short.

I did, however, get a bit of a walk. The train dropped me off at the West side of the ExCel center. My hotel was about a mile away on the East side. I started to a restaurant to get some food, but since they were not open yet, I decided to walk to the hotel. Rather than going back along the North side of ExCel, where the train was, or inside, I took a slightly longer route along the Thames.

It was a pleasant day, about 50F/10C, a bit of a breeze, but not too bad. I plopped a cap on my head and sunglasses on my face. I walked along, looking at the water and the sites. It was a bit chilly, but invigorating. I had enough clothing to not feel chilled in my core, but the wind and cold air kept me from being too warm.

I breathed deep, enjoying the sensations of a a wonderful day in London, at least mentally. I wouldn’t want to be outside for a long time, but the walk reminded me to appreciate I wasn’t in a rainy (or snowy) London, and I was in London. One of my favorite cities.

As a note, I was in Greenwich and it snowed in London. Another not so great day, but one that I appreciated walking around and enjoyed the chilly weather.


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