Using Column Names as Parameters

  • Good day all,

    Please how can i use this column name dynamically to query a table without writing separate queries to do the search.

    This is sample code:

    declare @Parameters nvarchar(max), @Criteria nvarchar(4000)

    set @Parameters = 'Male'

    set @Criteria = 'Gender'

    Select Medium, RespondentMobile, Gender, QuestionNo, Answers from tbl_MediumResults

    Where @Criteria = @Parameters

    Its returning nulls for me

    Thanks for your response

  • You can't parameterise column names.

    If you have a small number of options, separate queries (or better separate procedures). Since the query implies there are only a few columns in the table, I'd recommend this approach.

    If there are a lot of possible column names, then you'll need dynamic SQL and you MUST, MUST, MUST check that the column names passed are real column names and you MUST parameterise the dynamic SQL. If you mess either up, you create a huge security vulnerability.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks for your reply,

    so how do i do the dynamic sql?


  • I strongly recommend, with only a few columns like you appear to have, to avoid dynamic SQL.

    It's easy to get wrong, and it's prone to horrible security flaws (used, for example, in the Sony playstation hacks) that can cause data disclosure.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • GilaMonster (4/21/2016)

    I strongly recommend, with only a few columns like you appear to have, to avoid dynamic SQL.

    It's easy to get wrong, and it's prone to horrible security flaws (used, for example, in the Sony playstation hacks) that can cause data disclosure.

    Thanks GilaMonster for your replies,

    Actually its just a small scenerio for a larger path of code.

    As you have suggested i will have to go the long way instead of looking for a short cut.

    But i have another question, i have this cte:

    ;with tmp as (

    select RespondentName, PhoneNumber1, MaritalStatus, Region, Urbanisation, Religion, Gender, Location, AgeGroup, DayOfInterview, PhoneUsed, case when isnumeric(split1.item) = 1 then dbo.tbl_TabletsUsed.Description else split1.item end as TabletsUsed From (

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tbl_Respondents.RespondentName, dbo.tbl_Respondents.PhoneNumber1, dbo.tbl_MaritalStatus.Description AS MaritalStatus, dbo.tbl_Region.Description AS Region,

    dbo.tbl_Urbanisation.Description AS Urbanisation, dbo.tbl_Religion.Description AS Religion, dbo.tbl_Gender.Description AS Gender, dbo.tbl_Locations.Description AS Location,

    dbo.tbl_AgeGroup.Description AS AgeGroup, dbo.tbl_DayOfInterview.Description AS DayOfInterview, case when isnumeric(split2.item) = 1 then dbo.tbl_PhoneUsed.Description else split2.item end as PhoneUsed, COALESCE (NULLIF (dbo.tbl_Respondents.TabletUsed, ''), 'None') as TabletUsed

    FROM dbo.tbl_Respondents INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_MaritalStatus ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_MaritalStatusId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_MaritalStatus.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Region ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_RegionId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Region.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Urbanisation ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_UrbanizationId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Urbanisation.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Religion ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_ReligionId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Religion.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Gender ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_GenderId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Gender.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_AgeGroup ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_AgeGroupId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_AgeGroup.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Locations ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_LocationId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Locations.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_DayOfInterview ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.DayOfInterview, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_DayOfInterview.PKID

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(dbo.tbl_Respondents.PhoneUsed, ',') AS split2

    left JOIN dbo.tbl_PhoneUsed ON case when isnumeric(split2.item) = 1 then split2.item end = dbo.tbl_PhoneUsed.PKID

    Where split2.item > '') as d

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(TabletUsed, ',') AS split1

    left JOIN dbo.tbl_TabletsUsed ON case when isnumeric(split1.item) = 1 then split1.item end = dbo.tbl_TabletsUsed.PKID

    Where split1.item > ''),

    tmp2 as (

    Select '' as Criteria,

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',

    SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',

    SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',

    SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',

    SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'

    From (

    Select DayOfInterview, COUNT(DayOfInterview) as DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, COUNT(Urbanisation) as TotUrban, Gender, COUNT(Gender) as TotGend, AgeGroup, COUNT(AgeGroup) as TotAge, Religion, COUNT(Religion) as TotRel, MaritalStatus, COUNT(MaritalStatus) as TotMar from tmp

    group by DayOfInterview,Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus) as t)

    Select Criteria, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from tmp2

    union all

    Select @Parameters, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from tmp2 where tmp.Gender = 'Male'

    I want to be able to get the Gender field from the tmp cte, but i cant seem to get to it, can you please look at my code and how i can get to the Gender field

    Thanks so much


  • Well guys,

    I think i found a solution to my code problem, the solution was to use a recursive cte and group by the field you want, that gives you exactly what you need: code below

    ;with tmp(

    DayOfInterview, DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, TotUrban, Gender, TotGend, AgeGroup, TotAge, Religion, TotRel, MaritalStatus, TotMar) as (

    Select DayOfInterview, COUNT(DayOfInterview) as DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, COUNT(Urbanisation) as TotUrban, Gender, COUNT(Gender) as TotGend, AgeGroup, COUNT(AgeGroup) as TotAge, Religion, COUNT(Religion) as TotRel, MaritalStatus, COUNT(MaritalStatus) as TotMar from (

    select RespondentName, PhoneNumber1, MaritalStatus, Region, Urbanisation, Religion, Gender, Location, AgeGroup, DayOfInterview, PhoneUsed, case when isnumeric(split1.item) = 1 then dbo.tbl_TabletsUsed.Description else split1.item end as TabletsUsed From (

    SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tbl_Respondents.RespondentName, dbo.tbl_Respondents.PhoneNumber1, dbo.tbl_MaritalStatus.Description AS MaritalStatus, dbo.tbl_Region.Description AS Region,

    dbo.tbl_Urbanisation.Description AS Urbanisation, dbo.tbl_Religion.Description AS Religion, dbo.tbl_Gender.Description AS Gender, dbo.tbl_Locations.Description AS Location,

    dbo.tbl_AgeGroup.Description AS AgeGroup, dbo.tbl_DayOfInterview.Description AS DayOfInterview, case when isnumeric(split2.item) = 1 then dbo.tbl_PhoneUsed.Description else split2.item end as PhoneUsed, COALESCE (NULLIF (dbo.tbl_Respondents.TabletUsed, ''), 'None') as TabletUsed

    FROM dbo.tbl_Respondents INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_MaritalStatus ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_MaritalStatusId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_MaritalStatus.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Region ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_RegionId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Region.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Urbanisation ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_UrbanizationId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Urbanisation.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Religion ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_ReligionId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Religion.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Gender ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_GenderId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Gender.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_AgeGroup ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_AgeGroupId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_AgeGroup.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_Locations ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.FK_LocationId, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_Locations.PKID INNER JOIN

    dbo.tbl_DayOfInterview ON REPLACE(dbo.tbl_Respondents.DayOfInterview, ',', '') = dbo.tbl_DayOfInterview.PKID

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(dbo.tbl_Respondents.PhoneUsed, ',') AS split2

    left JOIN dbo.tbl_PhoneUsed ON case when isnumeric(split2.item) = 1 then split2.item end = dbo.tbl_PhoneUsed.PKID

    Where split2.item > '') as d

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(TabletUsed, ',') AS split1

    left JOIN dbo.tbl_TabletsUsed ON case when isnumeric(split1.item) = 1 then split1.item end = dbo.tbl_TabletsUsed.PKID

    Where split1.item > '') as m

    group by DayOfInterview,Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus


    tmp2 as (

    Select 'Base' as Criteria,

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',

    SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',

    SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',

    SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',

    SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'

    From tmp

    union all

    Select DayOfInterview,

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',

    SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',

    SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',

    SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',

    SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',

    SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',

    SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',

    SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',

    SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'

    From tmp

    group by DayOfInterview


    Select Criteria, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,Urban, [Semi-Urban], Male, Female, [8-11years], [12-17years], [18-24years], [25-34years], [35-44years], [45-54years], [55-64years], [65+years], Christian, Muslim, Others, Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced from tmp2


    But i have another question

    can i do something like this for example:

    declare @Criteria nvarchar(4000)

    set @Criteria = 'DayOfInterview'

    Select @Criteria, Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus, from tmp

    group by @Criteria

    how can i do it, its bringing an error for me



  • timotech (4/21/2016)

    But i have another question

    can i do something like this for example:

    declare @Criteria nvarchar(4000)

    set @Criteria = 'DayOfInterview'

    Select @Criteria, Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus, from tmp

    group by @Criteria

    how can i do it, its bringing an error for me

    That's effectively the same question you asked in your first message, and the first answer you got (from GilaMonster) still applies.

    There are scenarios that call for this type of requirement. For those scenarios, SQL Server is not the right tool. Are you sure you are using the right tool for what you are trying to do?

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog:
    SQL Server Execution Plan Reference:

  • Hugo Kornelis (4/23/2016)

    That's effectively the same question you asked in your first message, and the first answer you got (from GilaMonster) still applies.

    There are scenarios that call for this type of requirement. For those scenarios, SQL Server is not the right tool. Are you sure you are using the right tool for what you are trying to do?

    Hi Hugo, its actually possible if you re-write the code this way:

    declare @Criteria nvarchar(4000)

    set @Criteria = 'DayOfInterview'

    Select Case when @Criteria = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview end as DayOfInterview, Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus, from tmp

    group by Case when @Criteria = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview end

    I have tested it, it works perfectly



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