Why query optimizer does not recognize that index is sorted, for partitioned table?

  • I have a large partitioned table, it is partitioned by clustered index. All remaining non-clustered indexes are not partitioned.

    If I select execution plan from a query that uses non-clustered index, it properly chooses index scan on it, but in "ordered" property it has false, thereby selecting a Sort operation as a next step making all plan inefficient.

    I simplified and abstracted my case, and here is the code I use if somebody wants to recreate a situation. I compare non-partitioned table with partitioned one.

    First, I create and populate a table with 100k records and create clustered and non-clustered indexes:

    if object_id('t1') is not null

    drop table t1


    create table t1

    (c1 smalldatetime,

    c2 int,

    c3 varchar(100)



    set nocount on


    SELECT DATEADD(dd, RAND() * 3000 ,'01/01/2008'),



    go 100000

    create clustered index idx_c1

    on t1(c1)

    create index idx_c2

    on t1(c2)

    Now, if I run a simple query :

    select c1 from t1

    order by c2

    it chooses index scan on c2 with Ordered = true.

    Next, I copy it to another table and partition it on a partition scheme ps_test:

    select *

    into t2

    from t1

    create clustered index idx_c1

    on t2(c1)

    on ps_test(c1)

    create index idx_c2

    on t2(c2)

    Now I run an execution plan for this query:

    select c1 from t2

    order by c2

    It selects index scan on c2 with (Ordered = false) + Sort + parallelism.

    Why? Does really the fact that this table is partitioned breaks the "orderness" of this index? I thought that partitioning will improve performance, not degrade it. Unless I am doing something wrong. Please advise.

  • The primary benefit of partitioning is administrative - backup, restore, archiving. It can help data load performance and can also help the performance of queries that access data from a subset of the partitions. Do a search for "partition elimination"; there are plenty of articles on it. As your query is selecting every row in the table, partitioning isn't going to help performance.

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