Only return id and desc for max date entry

  • Hi,

    I'm looking to produce a dataset where we have one row for each dbpatid, the latest dbSchDate and the corresponding dbSchTypeCnt.

    The table has multiple rows for dbpatid based on multiple dbSchDate's.

    When I use this I get one row for each dbpatid

    SELECT DISTINCT dbPatCnt, (SELECT MAX(dbSchDate)) AS dbSchDate

    FROM dbo.SchDetail

    GROUP BY dbPatCnt

    but when I use this, I get multiple rows based on the dbSchTypeCn for every dbSchDate

    SELECT DISTINCT dbPatCnt,dbSchTypeCnt,(SELECT MAX(dbSchDate)) AS dbSchDate

    FROM dbo.SchDetail

    GROUP BY dbPatCnt, dbSchTypeCnt

    How do I code his so that it only returns the dbSchTypeCnt for the max(latest) dbSchDate?


  • ;WITH MaxDtSchDetail



    SELECT DISTINCT dbPatCnt, (SELECT MAX(dbSchDate)) AS MAXdbSchDate

    FROM dbo.SchDetail

    GROUP BY dbPatCnt


    SELECT SD.dbPatCnt, SD.dbSchTypeCnt, SD.dbSchDate

    FROM MaxDtSchDetail AS MD

    JOIN dbo.SchDetail AS SD

    ON SD.dbPatCnt = MD.dbPatCnt

    AND SD.dbSchDate = MD.MAXdbSchDate

    But please note, if you have multiple records with the same maximum dbSchDate for the same dbPatCnt, you're still going to have maltiple records returned for dbPatCnt

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Try this:

    select dbPatCnt, dbSchTypeCnt, dbSchDate

    from dbo.SchDetail

    where dbSchDate = (select MAX(dbSchDate) from SchDetail sd

    where sd.dbSchTyhpeCnt = dbSchTypeCnt)

    Wallace Houston
    Sunnyland Farms, Inc.

    "We must endeavor to persevere."

  • SELECT DISTINCT dbPatCnt,dbSchTypeCnt,(SELECT MAX(dbSchDate)) AS dbSchDate

    FROM dbo.SchDetail

    GROUP BY dbPatCnt, dbSchTypeCnt

    How do I code his so that it only returns the dbSchTypeCnt for the max(latest) dbSchDate?


    Assuming you are on SQL Server 2005 or later.

    Also assuming dbpatid you mention in your post is dbPatCnt in the query.

    Then you can use ROW_NUMBER to achieve this:

    ;WITH CTESchDetail AS


    SELECT dbPatCnt, dbSchTypeCnt, dbSchDate,


    FROM dbo.SchDetail


    SELECT dbPatCnt, dbSchTypeCnt, dbSchDate


    WHERErn = 1

  • when I run this:

    select CustomerNumber, [year], TotalYears

    from sfidata.dbo.tblCustomerHistory

    where CustomerNumber in (1001, 1002, 1005)

    order by CustomerNumber, [YEAR]

    I get this:















    100520118 which shows you the data I'm working with.

    When I run this:

    select ch.CustomerNumber, ch.[Year], ch.TotalYears

    from sfidata.dbo.tblCustomerHistory ch

    where ch.CustomerNumber in (1001, 1002, 1005)

    and ch.[Year] = (select MAX(ch2.[Year]) from sfidata.dbo.tblCustomerHistory ch2

    where ch2.customernumber = ch.CustomerNumber)

    I get this:





    Year is each year a customer has placed an order. So, by comparing the two data results, you can see that the second query pulled the MAX year, i.e. the latest year for customernumber 1001 is 1994.

    Sorry about the spacing.

    Wallace Houston
    Sunnyland Farms, Inc.

    "We must endeavor to persevere."

  • Thanks for you're help guys. YB1D is the sql champion winner here! Eugene was also correct but as he mentioned we'd still get some multiple rows. Car, I've not tried yours as it looked like you were using hard coded values but thanks anyway.

  • mattech06 (2/14/2014)

    Thanks for you're help guys. YB1D is the sql champion winner here! Eugene was also correct but as he mentioned we'd still get some multiple rows. Car, I've not tried yours as it looked like you were using hard coded values but thanks anyway.

    The fact that using ROW_NUMBER() returns you one row, doesn't eleminate the posibilitiy that more than one row with differenet values in type column may exist for the same id with the same max date.

    You can easely gurantee one row returned with GROUP BY query by selecting TOP 1 - it will give you exactly the same effect...

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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