A trigger prevent user from update/delete a user login

  • I need a little help my fella SQL DBA

    I need a ddl trigger script to prevent user from update/delete a user login.

    I prefer a policy but trigger will work just fine.

  • Why don't you simply revoke permissions?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Yes, that would be simple but there are other SA on the team that would like to add/update/create accounts. I just need a trigger or script to prevent user from updating this one login.

  • Sorry to insist, but if other DBAs (sysadmin) want to alter/drop a login, they have the rights to do it.

    If they don't have that right, they shouldn't be sysadmin in the first place.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • True... but in my environment for example it's certain accounts that don't require sysadmin rights or if the account is alter by another SQL Dba the application will shut down.

  • I'm not sure I follow your logic.

    As you wish, anyway.

    DDL triggers can capture the ALTER LOGIN statements. You just need to ROLLBACK in the trigger code to prevent the action from being executed.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I use the two DDL TRIGGER statements below but script doesn't work. They only prevent a user from dropping or renaming a user account. I need to be able to rollback even if a user change the permission on a account.


    Trigger PermissionChange







    'You must disable Trigger "PermissionChange" to drop, logins!'




    create trigger rob

    on all server

    for drop_login, alter login


    Print ('')


  • I don't think there's a DDL event for GRANT/REVOKE permissions.

    Let me reiterate: you're doing it wrong.

    You either have permissions to do something or you don't.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Another thing that would be inconvenient to using a trigger would be that is a user is a sysadmin, they could also disable or drop the trigger and then do whatever they wanted anyway. Like was pointed out before:

    spaghettidba (10/31/2013)

    If they don't have that right, they shouldn't be sysadmin in the first place.

  • I understand fellas. But your missing the point.

    If the admin attempts to edit the logins. He would receive error message that states that this specific account only needs dbcreator permission.

    If drops the trigger afterward it's fine but at least he got the error message.

  • There's no DDL event for that as far as I know. Sorry.

    Moreover, I still think it's not a good idea.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Is there a policy!

  • Instead of DDL_LOGIN_EVENTS, you can use DDL_SERVER_SECURITY_EVENTS, which covers a much wider range of statements. See BOL, "DDL Event Groups" for more details.

    You'll need to use EVENTDATA() from within the trigger to get info on the triggering command. You can do a test with "SELECT EVENTDATA()" in the trigger to see what the XML data looks like.

    Within the XML, get the affected login from the "<ObjectName>" tag/value. Sorry, I'm not an XML jock, and don't have time now to provide the specific code on how to do that, but I'm sure someone else here can help you with that part.

    Then, if it's not the specific login name you want to prevent mods to, just issue a RETURN statement to exit the trigger and allow normal processing to continue, since naturally you want a DDL trigger to run as efficiently as possible.

    If it is the specific name, then you can do whatever messages, rollback, etc., you want to do. Btw, you should encrypt the trigger to make it at least a little harder for other sysadmins to modify. They can of course delete the trigger, but you could capture that with extended events ... unless they modify/remove those also. Ultimately there's no way to block an sa, but you can make it enough of a pain that most sa's won't bother/know how to get around the trigger(s).

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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