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This Week In Data – Episode 9 (What Does Pizza Have to Do with the Cloud?)



Welcome back to another episode of This Week In Data! If you missed our previous episodes, you can watch them here. In this week’s episode, we discuss the cloud as a service and how it relates to pizza.

The world of the cloud includes a lot of parts and can be confusing.  It’s often hard to decide which options fit best with the needs of your company.  In this episode, Adam and Devin help clear the confusion by looking at the cloud as a pizza service. Each option has its own experience, flavors and toppings in a manner of speaking. Whether you like to make everything yourself or have a chef prepare your entire meal, there is a perfect pizza experience for your needs.


The guys also talk about hot news topics such as Microsoft cutting Azure VM prices by 50%, how Tinder can automatically discover your best picture and why organizations struggle with data overloads and technology maturity. Learn more about these topics in our latest episode:

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