Extracting a Median Date out of a Group of Records using a Query with NTILE

  • Hi there

    I have a table of data readings which I am able to use NTILE to sucessfully extract the MinValue, MaxValue and Average Reading Value using

    the following query:

    ;WITH cte_ntile AS (

    SELECT *, NTILE(2) OVER(ORDER BY ReadingDateTime asc) AS [Group]

    FROM SIDataGroup


    SELECT MIN(ReadingValue) AS MinValue, MAX(ReadingValue) AS MaxValue, AVG(ReadingValue) AS AvgValue, [Group]

    FROM cte_ntile

    GROUP BY [Group]

    Now in addition to extracting these values, I now need to extract the Median date from each group

    is there are a straight forward way of doing this?

    I tried using RowNumber to partion the day as follows but it didnt work properly

    ;with cte






    NTILE(2) OVER(ORDER BY ReadingDateTime asc) AS [Group]

    FROM SIDataGroup







    --PARTITION BY ReadingDateTime,ReadingValue,[Group]

    ORDER BY ReadingDateTime,ReadingValue

    ) RowNo

    from cte

    where [Group] in (1,2)

    So in this case, i have a set of 40 records split into 2 groups of 20

    Therefore i can work out that the 10th record in each group gives me the Median Date

    Table Definition and Population

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [dbo].[SIDataGroup]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SIDataGroup](

    [ReadingDateTime] [datetime2](7) NULL,

    [ReadingValue] [float] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:06:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.64)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:06:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.64)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:08:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.71)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:08:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.71)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:10:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.69)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:10:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.69)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:12:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:12:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:14:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.66)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:14:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.66)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:16:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:16:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:18:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:18:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:20:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:20:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:22:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:22:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:24:39.2800000' AS DateTime2), 59.69)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:24:39.2812500' AS DateTime2), 59.69)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:26:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:26:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:28:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.69)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:28:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.69)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:30:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.67)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:30:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.67)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:32:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.67)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:32:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.67)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:34:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:34:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.68)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:36:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.72)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:36:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.72)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:38:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:38:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.7)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:40:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.65)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:40:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.65)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:42:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.66)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:42:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.66)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:44:39.0933333' AS DateTime2), 59.72)


    INSERT [dbo].[SIDataGroup] ([ReadingDateTime], [ReadingValue]) VALUES (CAST(N'2021-05-16T05:44:39.0937500' AS DateTime2), 59.72)


  • Maybe something like this.  The 'median_dt' column calculation adds half the difference in seconds between the min and max ReadingDateTime values within the [Group] group to the min ReadingDateTime

    ;WITH cte_ntile AS (
    SELECT *, NTILE(2) OVER(ORDER BY ReadingDateTime asc) AS [Group]
    FROM #SIDataGroup
    SELECT MIN(ReadingValue) AS MinValue, MAX(ReadingValue) AS MaxValue,
    AVG(ReadingValue) AS AvgValue,
    dateadd(second, datediff(second, min(ReadingDateTime),
    max(ReadingDateTime))/2, min(ReadingDateTime)) median_dt,
    FROM cte_ntile
    GROUP BY [Group];
    MinValue    MaxValue    AvgValue     median_dt                         Group
    59.64 59.71 59.683 2021-05-16 05:15:39.0933333 1
    59.65 59.72 59.686 2021-05-16 05:35:39.0933333 2

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Hi Steve

    Thank you very much for that. Thats a very elegant solution because it captures the interval midway between the 10 and 11th record in each group


  • Thanks for the feedback.  Nice I'm happy if the code helps.  Precision-wise it's maybe not ideal.  I tried it with nanoseconds and there was an overflow error.  Maybe microseconds would work.  Also, integer division using the date difference potentially adds some tiny error too.

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • That's not an accurate method to get a median value.

    For example, if you have these values:

    SELECT (MAX(value) - MIN(value)) / 2 + MIN(value)

    FROM ( VALUES(1),(2),(3),(1000),(3000) ) AS data(value)

    the median (middle) value is 3, but that formula yields 1500, which is not even in the list of values.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • It turns out the median is derived from the ordered set.   My query only calculated the midpoint.  If the number of rows in the [Group] (calculated as 'grp_count') is even this query returns the grp_count/2-th ordered row.  If 'grp_count' is odd the query returns the (grp_count/2)+1-th ordered row

    cte_ntile(ReadingDateTime, ReadingValue, [Group]) AS (
    select *, ntile(2) over(order by ReadingDateTime asc) AS [Group]
    from #SIDataGroup),
    cte_rn(ReadingDateTime, ReadingValue, [Group], rn) as (
    select *,
    row_number() over (partition by [Group] order by ReadingDateTime) rn
    from cte_ntile),
    cte_summary as (
    select MIN(ReadingValue) AS MinValue,
    MAX(ReadingValue) AS MaxValue,
    AVG(ReadingValue) AS AvgValue,
    dateadd(second, datediff(second, min(ReadingDateTime),
    max(ReadingDateTime))/2, min(ReadingDateTime)) mid_point_dt,
    count(*) grp_count,
    from cte_ntile cn
    group by [Group])
    select s.*, median.rv
    from cte_summary s
    cross apply (select ReadingDateTime
    from cte_rn r
    where s.[Group]=r.[Group]
    and r.rn=(s.grp_count/2+s.grp_count%2)) median(rv);

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Actually, for an even number of rows, the median is the avg of the middle two (IIRC).

    For example, for values:

    1, 2, 3, 101, 200, 500 :: median is 52 ( (3+101)/2 ).

    For an odd number of rows, it's just the middle row:

    1, 2, 101, 200, 500 :: 101

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Maybe something like this

    cte_ntile(ReadingDateTime, ReadingValue, [Group]) AS (
    select *, ntile(2) over(order by ReadingDateTime asc) AS [Group]
    from #SIDataGroup),
    cte_rn(ReadingDateTime, ReadingValue, [Group], rn) as (
    select *,
    row_number() over (partition by [Group] order by ReadingDateTime) rn
    from cte_ntile),
    cte_summary as (
    select MIN(ReadingValue) AS MinValue,
    MAX(ReadingValue) AS MaxValue,
    AVG(ReadingValue) AS AvgValue,
    dateadd(second, datediff(second, min(ReadingDateTime),
    max(ReadingDateTime))/2, min(ReadingDateTime)) mid_point_dt,
    count(*) grp_count,
    from cte_ntile cn
    group by [Group])
    select s.*, median.median_dt
    from cte_summary s
    cross apply (select dateadd(microsecond, datediff(microsecond, min(ReadingDateTime),
    max(ReadingDateTime))/2, min(ReadingDateTime))
    from cte_rn r
    cross join (select top(iif(s.grp_count%2=1, 1, 2)) v.n
    from (values (s.grp_count/2),(s.grp_count/2+1)) v(n)
    order by v.n desc) x(n)
    where s.[Group]=r.[Group]
    and r.rn=x.n) median(median_dt);

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by  Steve Collins. Reason: Typo
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by  Steve Collins. Reason: Simplified query: replaced UNION ALL in subquery with SELECT TOP(n)

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

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