How to run 4 jobs in single job in sql server 2008

  • Hi all,

    Could you please tell me any one.

    My boss said to me run the four jobs in single job. How it is possible please help me some one .

    Thanks in advans

  • Hi,

    You can create multiple steps in a single job. so by creating multiple steps you can move your 4 jobs to single job.

  • It depends on what you call a job. In SQL Agent Terms a Job is a single Item, though it may have multiple steps.

    so You create a single Job, then add the composite steps normally with the ON Success set to 'Goto Next Step' (Except for the last step which is 'Quit the Job reporting Success'), and depending on requirements you can set the On Failure to either be 'Quit the Job Reporting Failure' or 'Goto Next Step'

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • I agree, but It always depends on the requirements.

  • sudharshan511 (10/11/2012)

    Hi all,

    Could you please tell me any one.

    My boss said to me run the four jobs in single job. How it is possible please help me some one .

    Thanks in advans

    you can add subplans ..i think...

  • Or if you need 4 different jobs to run concurrently, you can add a fifth job with a TSQL job step and use

    exec sp_start_job 'job1'

    exec sp_start_job 'job2'

    exec sp_start_job 'job3'

    exec sp_start_job 'job4'

    Only the "control" job would require a schedule.

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