13 x 4 Financial Year

  • I've got this far to generate financial years. From an arbitrary start date it counts each financial year as 364 days = (13 X 4 X 7).

    declare @MyCalendar table


    CalendarDate datetime,

    MyCount int


    declare @CalendarStartDate datetime

    declare @CalendarEndDate datetime

    select @CalendarStartDate = '04/03/2006'

    select @CalendarEndDate = '12/31/2018'

    insert @MyCalendar







    MyCount = (datediff(day, @CalendarStartDate, CalendarDate) / (7 * 4 * 13)) + 1




    CalendarDate = dateadd(day, N, @CalendarStartDate)




    dateadd(day, N, @CalendarStartDate) <= @CalendarEndDate

    ) Calendar

    where CalendarDate between @CalendarStartDate and @CalendarEndDate


    select * from @MyCalendar

    select MyCount, count(*) from @MyCalendar group by MyCount order by MyCount

    Just realised I have used a Tally table - one column N going from 0 to at least 5000.

    The rule I've been given: Every 5th year will contain an extra 53th week, to make up for the loss of one (or two if leap year) day each year. I've tried using a CASE but failing on the logic.


  • Try this:

    declare @CalendarStartDate datetime

    declare @CalendarEndDate datetime

    select @CalendarStartDate = '04/03/2006'

    select @CalendarEndDate = '12/31/2018'

    ;WITH NumOfYears ( YrNum , DayCount ) AS


    SELECT T.N , CASE WHEN T.N % 5 = 0 THEN 365 ELSE 364 END

    FROM dbo.Tally T



    ,DaysInEachYear (YrNum , Dt) AS


    SELECT NoY.YrNum

    ,DATEADD( DD, (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY NoY.YrNum , T.N ) -1) , @CalendarStartDate)

    FROM NumOfYears NoY

    CROSS JOIN dbo.Tally T

    WHERE T.N <= NoY.DayCount

    AND T.N >= 1


    SELECT D.YrNum ,D.Dt

    FROM DaysInEachYear D

    WHERE D.Dt <= @CalendarEndDate

    Uses the same tally table 🙂

  • The key is to understand that there aren't 52 weeks in your year, but rather 52.2 weeks rounded down (truncated).

    Try the following

    MyCount = Round(datediff(day, @CalendarStartDate, CalendarDate) / (7 * 52.2 ), 0, 1) + 1

    Or if it makes more sense to think of it as 13.05 months.

    MyCount = Round(datediff(day, @CalendarStartDate, CalendarDate) / (7 * 4 * 13.05 ), 0, 1) + 1


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • That's fantastic, thanks! Works a treat.

    Just changed: CASE WHEN T.N % 5 = 0 THEN 364 + 7 ELSE 364 END

    so that it adds on an extra week each 5th year.

  • Personally, rather than regenerate it like that for every query, I'd take the output and put it into a Date Dimension table

    I'm a DBA.
    I'm not paid to solve problems. I'm paid to prevent them.

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