Log Shipping Agent says its working BUT!

  • Hello all!

    Hope im being silly but...

    I have log shipping running every 15mins to a secondary server. All the agent jobs say they are running and sucessfull. The secondary is in Read only/ Standby

    We have new rows addded to a table every transaction thats done with a date stamp.

    If i run:

    select top 100 *

    from audit

    where auditmessagedate > '2012-04-18 00:00:00'

    on the live server i get data as i would except.

    When i run it against the log shipping i dont get any results.... data should have been coming in since 9. So the weird you do a log ship at 9:15 and it only shows on the secondary after 9:30 (If anyone could explain that to me that would be good!) should have passed..

    Ive also noticed its not deleting the files on the secondary server like it should (Was left on default of 72 hours. But there a files from 2 weeks previous 🙁 )

    Hope you can help!

  • Hi Grasshopper, I have heard about this issue... Are you getting any error? A few posts on the MSN forums seem to discuss sync problems with a secondary server. Someone having a similar problem realized it was related to LSN mismatch issues. I recommend you read this post[/url], it might help figure out the problem.

    Hope this helps :hehe: Natali

    "Press any key to continue, where's the ANY key?" 😛 Homer Simpson

  • n00bDBA (4/18/2012)

    So the weird you do a log ship at 9:15 and it only shows on the secondary after 9:30 (If anyone could explain that to me that would be good!)

    That's normal. The jobs on the secondary server that copy the log backups and restore them run at the same time in a default log shipping configuration. So, at 9:15 both jobs launch, and the copy job starts copying the latest log backup. Meanwhile the restore job restores all the backups it has available, but that doesn't include the latest one because it's still being copied by the other job! Therefore that won't get done until the restore job next runs at 9:30, which is why you can easily be up to half an hour out of sync even in a perfectly working log shipping configuration--if you need the data on the secondary server to be as near in sync with the primary as possible you should look at mirroring, not log shipping.

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