Any clustering experts out there who can advise.

  • We have a SQL geo cluster.

    1 Node at Site A and 1 node at Site B

    Site C is where we have a file server used as our file share witness.

    The qourum model is therefore Node and file share majority.

    We have been having problems with the file share server and now need to change the file share witness location.

    We have put inplace a new server and have created a new file share lets say \\sitec\fileshare2$

    In the failover cluster manager there is no option to remove or delete the file share witness.

    So I now go to configure cluster Quorum and select Node and Fileshare Majority > great

    I specify the path of the file share \\sitec\fileshare2$ > easy...

    The wizard completes but I now have 2 File share witnesses !! the original file share is still there.

    I have the option to delete the new one but still not the old one..

    I have browsed to the new location and the cluster config has been copied.

    When looking at the summary of the cluster it still states the quorum configuration as node and fileshare majority (old file share location)

    I can take either of the witnesses offline but the cluster summary does not change.

    If I take the original witness offline, then I get the warning that If I lose the node then the cluster will fail.

    If I take the new witness offline, I get no message, it as though it has not been registered.

    It is as though the original is the master and cannot be removed..

    Can anyone please advise how you can succesfully change the file share witness.

    Windows 2008 R2

  • Amazing,

    I spend a few days on this, searching and looking and trying just about every option.

    As soon as I post for help, I stumble accross the answer.

    So, in case anyone else has a problem.

    Do not add another file share witness.

    Instead change your quorum model to something different like node majority.

    This will then remove the file share.

    Then change the quorum model back to node and file share, and specify your new file share location.

    Bing bang bosh, easy peasy but come on MS, you certainly don't make it easy.

  • You only needed to launch the "configure cluster quorum settings" wizard, select node maj and file share option, supply the new server name and share and this will re configure the cluster vote to use the new node.

    Clean up the share on the old node using

    NET SHARE sharename \\oldnode /DELETE



    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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