How do you do customer servicing

  • To end-users, it does not matter what kind of administrator you are. Whether you are Windows, Network, Database or Webmaster or Developer or any IT person. Most end users consider you the same who is suppose to know everything there is about computers under the sun. When you interact with these end-users they will ask all kinds of questions including those that fall outside of your specialty. I tried telling them those are not my specialty and you need to contact another person in IT. Some are ok with that answer, but some complain saying that your purview is NARROW, and think you are incompetent.

    How do you manage end-user who expect you to know everything about computers?

  • Be nice to them. Try to help them if you can. Also try to remind them of your focus and projects and deadlines you may be facing. But, if you do that, give them a few options on how to get the answer they seek. Offer to relay their questions onto somebody else who is more capable of helping them with their question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • They as a question, I then try to understand what the hell they are talking about by asking them a bunch of other questions. If I end up understanding what they're asking, I give them an answer which usually includes 2 or 3 options that I think are among the best solution to their problems (their questions always turn out to have its origin in a problem they're having). If the like the answer, the conversation continues as needed. If they don't like the answer then I give them the choice to bring it up to my manager or ask someone else.

    In the end, they always end up coming back for more questions, regardless of having liked my answer or not. Deep down inside, in their warm little hearts, they understand I'm only there to help them when they need it 😀

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