Calculating Percentage

  • I would like to calculate a Percentage by each EmpID with a UNIQUE Division and DEPT

    Here is my table with sample data.

    EmpId Division Department Salary PayDate

    10 West ADMIN $1000 1/1/2011

    10 West ADMIN $1000 1/15/2011

    10 West ADMIN $1000 1/30/2011

    20 East Sales $1000 1/1/2011

    20 East Sales $1000 1/15/2011

    20 North PR $1000 1/30/2011

    20 North PR $1000 2/15/2011

    30 South ADMIN $1000 1/1/2011

    30 South ADMIN $1000 1/15/2011

    30 West HR $1000 1/30/2011

    30 East ADMIN $1000 2/15/2011

    Desired Result (Records are summarized to include EMPID with unique Division and Department) and the percentage is based on "each EmpId's" Division/Dept relative salary.

    EmpId Division Department Salary Percentage

    10 West ADMIN $3000 100%

    20 East Sales $2000 50%

    20 North PR $2000 50%

    30 South ADMIN $2000 50%

    30 West HR $1000 25%

    30 East ADMIN $1000 25%

    Thank you in advance for your assistance

  • This work?

    SELECT s1.EmpId, s1.Division, s1.Department, SUM(s1.Salary), SUM(s1.Salary)/s2.Salary

    FROM SomeTable s1

    INNER JOIN (SELECT EmpId, SUM(Salary) AS Salary FROM SomeTable GROUP BY EmpId) s2

    ON s1.EmpId = s2.EmpId

    GROUP BY s1.EmpId, s1.Division, s1.Department, s2.Salary

    - Nate

  • Don't you really want to group Division & Department and then list the EmpId, Sum of the Salary, and a calulated Percentage?

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  • Thanks it works but the only problem is if I select records by only certain date, the percentages are off.

    It seems to taking percentage of all records.

  • Actually it would not make any difference to me, so long the empid, division, dept are unique.

    I would also like to filter the records by certain date.


  • What is the formula for percentage?

    Don't you want your records to be Grouped By and Ordered by Division & Department so that they are aggregated and Sorted in that order?

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  • I was able to make this work.

    Many Thanks!!!!!!

  • Awesome and you came up with the code on your own!

    Please post the solution.



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  • the solution is the same as posted by Nate. I just added a date filter to both Select Statements and it worked.

  • I guess I still have SQL2sDay on my mind:

    ; with empTotSal (EmpID, TotSal) as

    (Select EmpID

    , SUM(Salary)

    from forumPct

    group by EmpID)

    SELECT fp.EmpID

    , fp.Division

    , fp.Department

    , SUM(fp.Salary) as DivSal

    , SUM(fp.Salary) * 100 / ets.TotSal as Pct

    FROM forumPct fp

    join empTotSal ets on fp.EmpID = ets.EmpID

    group by fp.EmpID

    , fp.Division

    , fp.Department

    , ets.TotSal

    order by fp.EmpID

    , (SUM(fp.Salary) / ets.TotSal) desc

    , fp.Division

    , fp.Department

    If you're using date filters, they would have to go into both the CTE and the main query.

    This works, but (asking this as a newbie) is it acceptable?

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