You Don't Know Enough

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item You Don't Know Enough

  • After many years of SQL and SSRS development we brought a dedicated QA resource into the team (comprising 3 developers and 1 Business Analyst). We took a big hit on report turnaround as QA was introduced into every aspect of development - from Data Dictionary maintenance through Requirements Definition through Report Development and finally Unit and System Testing (some of these were complex reports). Although involved for the duration of the development of each report, formal QA was the final step prior to final delivery to the Users. Our QA was harsh on us developers, ensuring a consistent report look and feel, enforcing the standards that we had defined, picking out the spelling mistakes, ensuring that numbers and headings were consistent across all of the reports. Some of these reports were extremely complex and an eye for detail was required.

    But guess what - we no longer had ANY of the User support issues we used to endure. And I really mean zero. They were identified and remediated in the QA phase. I can live with that.

    John Rogerson
    BI Technical Lead
    Clear Channel International

  • Steve, the link to Bruce's article returns a 404. Maybe someone should have QA'd your missive?

  • Doh! I do need some QA. I must have typo'd it while adding the image.

    Here's the URL:

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (4/6/2011)

    Doh! I do need some QA. I must have typo'd it while adding the image.

    Here's the URL:

    Thanks, Steve! I already wake up every day quite confident that I don't know enough, but it is somewhat reassuring to learn more about others in the same predicament. 🙂

    - webrunner

    A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and asks, "Can I join you?"

  • We often discuss how to make our own output better (design, code, reports, etc.). What about the other side: Does anybody have any experience with ensuring the quality of the data itself? In accounting systems, there are generally a number of checks and balances, good training, an excellent understanding of the importance of accuracy, verifying reports (Trial Balance, etc.), and even auditing. As bad as some of my data collection systems are from a software QA point of view, I find that the data itself is the real weak point.

  • I'd love to get a solid QA team for the projects I work on (right now I'm part PM, BSA, QA tester, trainer, video producer and ScrumMaster, and that's just on ONE project!) I think one of the biggest hurdles is getting developers to accept that QA feedback isn't criticism of them personally - it's a way to help them become better developers! Many times I've worked with developers who try to "hide" their code - they don't want to do code reviews or expose their code to other eyes in any way. I spent many years in development, and I had a different philosophy. I'd rather have several people looking at my code and catching my errors BEFORE the user / client does! I KNOW I'm not perfect, and neither is my code.

    The best QA tester I ever worked with was many years ago, and didn't have that title. She was an "admin", and her mind followed a very different path when it came to entering data into a system. She could break any code in about three minutes. If she couldn't break it, then you knew it was solid! Wish she was still around to "correct" me!

    Here there be dragons...,

    Steph Brown

  • I'm all in favor of continuous education. Continuous testing and monitoring of code being released is a part of that education.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • I'm definitely in favor of code reviews. I do them all the time. It's the resistant attitude from developers when they don't want to change their code and don't have good reasons to back it up, that I don't like dealing with. Developers tend to be very territorial with their code and intrinsically do not like others critiquing it. Again, real world.:-D

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

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