Image not showing in the viewer

  • Hello,

    I have an image in my report extracted from de database.

    value =First(Fields!Logo.Value, "dsCompany")

    The image is not showing in the SSRS web viewer,   but shows iF I export to PDF, Word etc.  And also shows in report builder.   Any idea why it's not showing in the viewer?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by  dubem1-878067.
  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • I would start by checking the logs (windows and SSRS) to see what is happening.

    Next, I'd load up the browser debugger to see if any errors are showing up in there.

    I'd also try loading it in a different browser (chrome, edge, firefox, safari, opera) to determine if it is an SSRS bug or a browser bug.

    Also, when you say it is "not showing", what is it showing?  absolutely nothing?  broken link image? error message?

    Do you get the same result if you view the report from the report server (the VM or physical server) or just from remote machines?  Ie is it a client issue or server issue?

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

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