need help with sql query against oracle database

  • Hi All,

    I have a .NET app and the app uses a Oracle Db.So i'm using Oracle .Net Provider for .NET

    I have a problem with the sql below as it won't parse in my query builder in Visual Studio.

    It seems i'm not doing things correctly and i'm sure i'm in the right place to ask about ORACLE with .NET

    Any help will be appreciated


    The problem is with this 2 lines here but when i add the 2 parameters :pStatus and :psysuser in the select it parses but then no rows are returned:

    AND (upper(SYSUSER) LIKE CONCAT(upper(:psysuser), '%'))

    AND (nvl(STATUS, 'NEW') LIKE CONCAT(decode(:pStatus, 'All', '', :pStatus), '%'))



    :psysuser AS EXPR2

    FROM myTable


    AND (upper(ACCOUNTNAME) LIKE CONCAT(upper(:pAccountName), '%'))

    AND (TOTALSPENT >= nvl(:pTotalSpent, 0))

    AND (DT = :pDT)

    AND (HASPAY LIKE CONCAT(decode(:phasPay, 'All', '', :phasPay), '%'))

    AND (upper(SYSUSER) LIKE CONCAT(upper(:psysuser), '%'))

    AND (nvl(STATUS, 'NEW') LIKE CONCAT(decode(:pStatus, 'All', '', :pStatus), '%'))

  • Patrick.I (2/8/2011)

    Hi All,

    I have a .NET app and the app uses a Oracle Db.So i'm using Oracle .Net Provider for .NET

    I have a problem with the sql below as it won't parse in my query builder in Visual Studio.

    It seems i'm not doing things correctly and i'm sure i'm in the right place to ask about ORACLE with .NET

    Any help will be appreciated


    The problem is with this 2 lines here but when i add the 2 parameters :pStatus and :psysuser in the select it parses but then no rows are returned:

    AND (upper(SYSUSER) LIKE CONCAT(upper(:psysuser), '%'))

    AND (nvl(STATUS, 'NEW') LIKE CONCAT(decode(:pStatus, 'All', '', :pStatus), '%'))[/b]

    Query is using bind-variables.

    Are you populating :psysuser and :pstatus bind variables?

    Have you tested the query hard-coding actual values instead of using bind-variables? Once you are sure query works fine - with hard-coded values - then replace with bind variables.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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