Index list in Server Management studio

  • Hi,

    In SQL 2000, we could have a list of all indexes on a table at a glance.

    How can I provide this in Management Studio ? I don't like to have one by one.

    Is there any query to list all indexes on a table ?

    I expect a list like this :

    <index-name> < columns>

    e.g: <booking> <booking_id,booking_name,...>




  • Open object explorer, connect to the server

    Expand out database->tables->the table you're interested in-> indexes

    You can write a query, the views that you need are sys.indexes and sys.index_columns. It'll take some fun manipulation to get it into the format that you want, but it is possible.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
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  • Thanks Gail,

    As I said before, in database->tables-> indexes, I should check every index one by one

    What I want, having all indexes and columns in a window

  • check if below code definitely NOT faster as it uses cursor approach, but it should give the result you expected..

    Declare @vchrFileName varchar(255)

    Declare @vchrSQLStr varchar(2000)

    set ansi_warnings off

    create table #IndexScan1 (ObjName varchar(100) DEFAULT ('@update@'),Index_Name varchar(255),Index_Desc varchar(1000),Index_keys varchar(100))

    DECLARE csrFileCursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)+'.'+name FROM sys.objects where type='u'

    OPEN csrFileCursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM csrFileCursor Into @vchrFileName



    SET @vchrSQLStr = 'insert into #IndexScan1 (index_name,index_desc,index_keys) EXEC sp_helpindex '''+@vchrFileName+''''


    SET @vchrSQLStr ='update #IndexScan1 set ObjName ='+''''+@vchrFileName+''' where ObjName =''@update@'''


    FETCH NEXT FROM csrFileCursor Into @vchrFileName


    Close csrFileCursor

    Deallocate csrFileCursor



    Index_keys = REPLACE(



    Index_keys AS [data()]


    #IndexScan1 ixs


    ixs.Objname = c.Objname



    FOR XML PATH ('')

    ), ' ', ' -- ')


    #IndexScan1 c

    group by Objname

    ORDER BY Objname

    Drop Table #IndexScan1

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  • This query will give the result

    select as [Index],i.type_desc as [Index type], as [Table name], as [ColumnName]

    from sys.tables T inner join sys.columns C on C.object_id=T.object_id

    inner join sys.indexes i on i.object_id=T.object_id


  • malleswarareddy_m (6/2/2010)

    This query will give the result

    select as [Index],i.type_desc as [Index type], as [Table name], as [ColumnName]

    from sys.tables T inner join sys.columns C on C.object_id=T.object_id

    inner join sys.indexes i on i.object_id=T.object_id

    No, that'll give you all the columns in the table, not all the columns in the index.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • this may be worked.i checked for my database.Please suggest me if it is wrong.


    case when index_id=1 then 'Clustered'

    else 'Non-Clustered' end as [Index Column], as [Table name], as [ColumnName]

    from sys.tables T inner join sys.columns C on C.object_id=T.object_id

    inner join sys.index_columns i on i.index_column_id=C.column_id

    and i.object_id=C.object_id


  • a.shahnazi (6/1/2010)


    In SQL 2000, we could have a list of all indexes on a table at a glance.

    How can I provide this in Management Studio ? I don't like to have one by one.

    Is there any query to list all indexes on a table ?

    I expect a list like this :

    <index-name> < columns>

    e.g: <booking> <booking_id,booking_name,...>




    To me it sounds like you just want to use

    exec sp_helpindex 'tablename'

    The downside is that included columns are not referenced in this list ... to get those as well you would need to do a more complex query with dmv's.

    └> bt

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  • Thanks All,

    What I want is "sp_helpindex" idea.

    NewBeeSQL's script is fantastic, just needs a small change in size of Index_keys column in temp table.


  • Glad my script helped you...

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