Need some help with query

  • HI,

    I got two tables


    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5


    col6 col7 col8

    now i need to perform a join on both the tables based on col3 in table1 and col7 in table2

    Now contents of col3 in tbale1 are like





    e:\lsamd\dmwp\ nsdkd







    contents of col7 in table2













    Join operation based on:

    the highlighted part of string in each row of col3 of table1 should equal to the highlighted part of string in the rows of col7 in table2

    and for example if you take one row for each colum

    col3 col7

    -------------- ----------------

    \\\efl\i\d [xxxx]\\abc\efl\i\l

    now the highlighted part in col3 is \\\efl\i

    and the highlighted part in col7 is \\abc\efl\i

    if you closely absorve the highlighted part in col3 if you remove the string part from . to end of the dot that is '.gh.fh.k' col3 will become \\abc\efl\i.

    So i need help with query wich performs the join of both the tables based on the above requirements

    and returns all the rows from col3 in table1 and all the rows from col7 in table2 which meet the above requirements.

    i too wrote a query which is taking too much time to get the results.

  • You know, the people that help out here are all un-paid volunteers, so please HELP US HELP YOU. Providing the DDL scripts (CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, etc.) for the tables affected, and INSERT statements to put some test data into those tables that shows your problem will go a long way in getting people to look at your issue and help you out. Please include code for what you have already tried. Don't forget to include what your expected results should be, based on the sample data provided. As a bonus to you, you will get tested code back. For more details on how to get all of this into your post, please look at the first link in my signature.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • You are trying to join on characters in the middle of a string. There is no way for an index to help with a join that vague. It's going to have to do one or more table scans. Sorry.

    The way I would approach this would be to write the code to parse out the data you want to match on into separate worktables that contains the keys to the original rows in your source tables. Then index and join your worktables.

    Indexes can be built over individual words with full-text indexing, and XML can be indexed, but the strings you are showing don't fit into either of those categories. Good luck.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • This should give you somewhere to start:

    DECLARE @Table1

    TABLE (

    col3 VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    other_data VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL


    DECLARE @Table2

    TABLE (

    col7 VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    other_data VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL


    INSERT @Table1 (col3, other_data) VALUES ('c:\abcd\kljfhd\jfj\ifjdf\\id', 'row T1-1');

    INSERT @Table1 (col3, other_data) VALUES ('d:\dffn\eijfcn\caslk\mslw', 'row T1-2');

    INSERT @Table1 (col3, other_data) VALUES ('e:\lsamd\dmwp\ nsdkd', 'row T1-3');

    INSERT @Table1 (col3, other_data) VALUES ('\\\efl\i\d', 'row T1-4');

    INSERT @Table1 (col3, other_data) VALUES ('\\dfe\hki\hy\id', 'row T1-5');

    INSERT @Table2 (col7, other_data) VALUES ('dskjl\\ab\do\i\get', 'row T2-1');

    INSERT @Table2 (col7, other_data) VALUES ('lkl\\ksjk\kflsk\mds\dcm\dn', 'row T2-2');

    INSERT @Table2 (col7, other_data) VALUES ('[asf]\\jcsdc\mcd\dnd\dvn\', 'row T2-3');

    INSERT @Table2 (col7, other_data) VALUES ('[xxxx]\\abc\efl\i\l', 'row T2-4');

    INSERT @Table2 (col7, other_data) VALUES ('[dsjf]\\dfe\hki\hy\lk', 'row T2-5');

    WITH Table1

    AS (

    SELECT Result.string,


    FROM @Table1 T1


    APPLY (

    SELECT LEN(T1.col3) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(T1.col3)),

    CHARINDEX('.', T1.col3),

    CHARINDEX('\', T1.col3, CHARINDEX('.', T1.col3))

    ) Positions (last_slash, first_dot, first_slash_after_dot)


    APPLY (




    WHEN Positions.first_dot = 0 THEN LEFT(T1.col3, Positions.last_slash)

    ELSE STUFF(LEFT(T1.col3, Positions.last_slash), Positions.first_dot, Positions.first_slash_after_dot - Positions.first_dot, SPACE(0))


    1, 2,



    ) Result (string)

    WHERE col3 LIKE '\\%'



    AS (

    SELECT Result.string,


    FROM @Table2 T2


    APPLY (

    SELECT CHARINDEX('\\', T2.col7) + 2,

    LEN(T2.col7) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE(T2.col7))

    ) Positions (after_double_slash, last_slash)


    APPLY (

    SELECT SUBSTRING(T2.col7, Positions.after_double_slash, Positions.last_slash - Positions.after_double_slash + 1)

    ) Result (string)

    WHERE col7 LIKE '%\\%'


    SELECT *

    FROM Table1 T1

    JOIN Table2 T2

    ON T2.string = T1.string;

    -- Equivalent expressions:

    -- [Expr1006] = Scalar Operator(CASE WHEN charindex('.',@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3])=(0) THEN substring(@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3],(1),len(@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3])-charindex('\',reverse(@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3]))) ELSE stuff(substring(@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3],(1),len(@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3])-charindex('\',reverse(@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3]))),charindex('.',@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3]),charindex('\',@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3],charindex('.',@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3]))-charindex('.',@Table1.[col3] as [T1].[col3]),'') END)

    -- [Expr1005] = Scalar Operator(substring(@Table2.[col7] as [T2].[col7],charindex('\\',@Table2.[col7] as [T2].[col7])+(2),((len(@Table2.[col7] as [T2].[col7])-charindex('\',reverse(@Table2.[col7] as [T2].[col7])))-(charindex('\\',@Table2.[col7] as [T2].[col7])+(2)))+(1)))

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