need to find out % value

  • select Distinct ClientIdentifier, sourcesystem, methodtype, voicedatatype

    ,Count(CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dtmdatecreated ,101))


    ,Count(CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dtmdatecreated ,101))

    = CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE()-1,101)) THEN 1 END ) as YesterdayErrorCount

    ,Count(CASE WHEN dtmdatecreated < GETDATE()-2 THEN 1 END ) as LastWeekErrorCount

    from [logsserver].[uCSRLogs].[Logs].[tNACRTransaction] WITH(NOLOCK)

    where convert(char(8), dtmdatecreated, 112) >= convert(char(8), GETDATE()-7, 112)

    and messagetype like 'RESP%'

    and outputResponse not like '%D000000%'

    and methodtype <> 'UpdateAccountTerm'

    and ClientIdentifier in ('COG', 'COG_WB', 'COPPERNET', 'COFEE','NCOG', 'NSOP', 'LSOP', 'SSP', 'SSP_DL', 'VOSE', 'UCSR', 'UCSR-ORDER')

    group by ClientIdentifier, sourcesystem, methodtype, VoiceDataType

    order by clientidentifier, methodtype

    in this query i need to add extracolumn contain % value..

  • Percent of what?

    Also, you may want to change this:

    where convert(char(8), dtmdatecreated, 112) >= convert(char(8), GETDATE()-7, 112)

    to this:


    dtmdatecreated >= dateadd(dd, -7, dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, cast('19000101' as datetime), getdate()), cast('19000101' as datetime)))

    This will all SQL Server to us an index on dtmdatecreated. Also, it isn't necessary to strip the time portion off dtmdatecreated as you are using >= in the query.

  • % of need 3 more column...

  • san-1015392 (5/7/2010)

    % of need 3 more column...

    Doesn't answer the question really. How is this supposed to be computed? If you have included this in the query above, it is hard to tell since it isn't formatted very well.

    It would also help if you could post the the DDL for the table(s) (CREATE TABLE statements), sample data (as a series of INSERT INTO tablename statements) for the table(s) involved, and the expected results of the query for testing purposes.

    Doing this, people will trip over themselves to help you with your problem and you get the added benefit of getting TESTED code in return.

    Without that, anything provided is simply best guesses as to what you need.

  • This are table script and sample data..pls run this and then run the query given b4...

    I want to modify query to get result set of % of createaccount, %of terminateaccount,and % of updateaccount in each errorcount.. so might be 3 more column…can u help me to this query





    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[Logs].[tNACRTransaction]') AND type in (N'U'))


    CREATE TABLE [Logs].[tNACRTransaction](

    [tNACRTransactionID] [bigint] NOT NULL,

    [TransactionID] [varchar](36) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [MethodType] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [ClientIdentifier] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [SourceSystem] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [ExternalAccountIdentifier] [varchar](20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [CAN] [char](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [BTN] [char](10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [OrderStatus] [char](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [EffectiveBillDate] [char](8) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [VoiceDataType] [char](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [StateCode] [char](2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [AttributeList] [varchar](1000) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

    [MessageType] [varchar](6) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,

    [OutputResponse] [varchar](2500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,

    [dtmDateCreated] [datetime] NOT NULL




    INSERT [Logs].[tNACRTransaction] ([tNACRTransactionID], [TransactionID], [MethodType], [ClientIdentifier], [SourceSystem], [ExternalAccountIdentifier], [CAN], [BTN], [OrderStatus], [EffectiveBillDate], [VoiceDataType], [StateCode], [AttributeList], [MessageType], [OutputResponse], [dtmDateCreated]) VALUES (1, N'2bc77415-2ce6-44f2-9a48-c0bce0514fc3', N'TerminateAccount', N'VOSE', N'', N'2872321153', N' ', N' ', N'A', N'20100430', N'V', N' ', N'', N'INPUT', N'', CAST(0x00009D6900010854 AS DateTime))

    INSERT [Logs].[tNACRTransaction] ([tNACRTransactionID], [TransactionID], [MethodType], [ClientIdentifier], [SourceSystem], [ExternalAccountIdentifier], [CAN], [BTN], [OrderStatus], [EffectiveBillDate], [VoiceDataType], [StateCode], [AttributeList], [MessageType], [OutputResponse], [dtmDateCreated]) VALUES (2, N'2bc77415-2ce6-44f2-9a48-c0bce0514fc3', N'TerminateAccount', N'VOSE', N'', N'2872321153', N' ', N' ', N'A', N'20100430', N'V', N' ', N'', N'RESPOF', N'<Response><message><messageNumber>D356356</messageNumber><messageText>EXTERNAL ACCOUNT ID NOT FOUND ON TABLE CBST0021</messageText></message></Response>', CAST(0x00009D690001085E AS DateTime))

    INSERT [Logs].[tNACRTransaction] ([tNACRTransactionID], [TransactionID], [MethodType], [ClientIdentifier], [SourceSystem], [ExternalAccountIdentifier], [CAN], [BTN], [OrderStatus], [EffectiveBillDate], [VoiceDataType], [StateCode], [AttributeList], [MessageType], [OutputResponse], [dtmDateCreated]) VALUES (3, N'e21c4423-a21b-494e-84c3-7372c65f4e4c', N'AssignCAN', N' ', N' ', N'', N' ', N' ', N' ', N' ', N' ', N' ', N'1', N'INPUT', N'', CAST(0x00009D6900012CA2 AS DateTime))

    INSERT [Logs].[tNACRTransaction] ([tNACRTransactionID], [TransactionID], [MethodType], [ClientIdentifier], [SourceSystem], [ExternalAccountIdentifier], [CAN], [BTN], [OrderStatus], [EffectiveBillDate], [VoiceDataType], [StateCode], [AttributeList], [MessageType], [OutputResponse], [dtmDateCreated]) VALUES (4, N'e21c4423-a21b-494e-84c3-7372c65f4e4c', N'AssignCAN', N'', N'', N'', N' ', N' ', N' ', N' ', N' ', N' ', N'', N'RESPOS', N'<Response><message><messageNumber>D000000</messageNumber><messageText>NO ERRORS</messageText></message><results><resultValue>A118012171</resultValue></results></Response>', CAST(0x00009D6900012CA3 AS DateTime))

    INSERT [Logs].[tNACRTransaction] ([tNACRTransactionID], [TransactionID], [MethodType], [ClientIdentifier], [SourceSystem], [ExternalAccountIdentifier], [CAN], [BTN], [OrderStatus], [EffectiveBillDate], [VoiceDataType], [StateCode], [AttributeList], [MessageType], [OutputResponse], [dtmDateCreated]) VALUES (5, N'48bae17e-6fca-4a82-b690-b9246ffaa1de', N'CreateAccount', N'COG', N'NS', N'4012533525910', N'A117738314', N'4012533525', N'C', N'20100501', N'V', N'RI', N'', N'INPUT', N'', CAST(0x00009D6900017E77 AS DateTime))

    INSERT [Logs].[tNACRTransaction] ([tNACRTransactionID], [TransactionID], [MethodType], [ClientIdentifier], [SourceSystem], [ExternalAccountIdentifier], [CAN], [BTN], [OrderStatus], [EffectiveBillDate], [VoiceDataType], [StateCode], [AttributeList], [MessageType], [OutputResponse], [dtmDateCreated]) VALUES (6, N'48bae17e-6fca-4a82-b690-b9246ffaa1de', N'CreateAccount', N'COG', N'NS', N'4012533525910', N'A117738314', N'4012533525', N'C', N'20100501', N'V', N'RI', N'', N'RESPOF', N'<Response><message><messageNumber>S9900E8</messageNumber><messageText>Invalid column name ''OrderTrackingId''.

  • How is this percentage supposed to be calculated?

  • % of create,update and terminate acct.. in methodtypecolumn...

    did u run the create table and insert data script...

    i also dont know but we need how many % create acct,updateacct,terminateacct also..based on today,yesterday and wholeweek..

  • Really? Let's take a step back. This is your data, you need to show us how to perform the necessary calculations. I look at the data, and it means nothing to me, I have no way of interpreting it and knowing what needs to be done to meet your requirements.

    So, how do we do this? First, you explain and show how the calculation needs to be done. Second, based on the sample data you provided, you need to show us what the expected results should look like so we have something to check our results against.

  • san-1015392 (5/7/2010)

    select Distinct ClientIdentifier, sourcesystem, methodtype, voicedatatype

    ,Count(CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dtmdatecreated ,101))


    ,Count(CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), dtmdatecreated ,101))

    = CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE()-1,101)) THEN 1 END ) as YesterdayErrorCount

    ,Count(CASE WHEN dtmdatecreated < GETDATE()-2 THEN 1 END ) as LastWeekErrorCount

    from [logsserver].[uCSRLogs].[Logs].[tNACRTransaction] WITH(NOLOCK)

    where convert(char(8), dtmdatecreated, 112) >= convert(char(8), GETDATE()-7, 112)

    and messagetype like 'RESP%'

    and outputResponse not like '%D000000%'

    and methodtype <> 'UpdateAccountTerm'

    and ClientIdentifier in ('COG', 'COG_WB', 'COPPERNET', 'COFEE','NCOG', 'NSOP', 'LSOP', 'SSP', 'SSP_DL', 'VOSE', 'UCSR', 'UCSR-ORDER')

    group by ClientIdentifier, sourcesystem, methodtype, VoiceDataType

    order by clientidentifier, methodtype

    in this query i need to add extracolumn contain % value..

    San... there are errors in your data generation code and it's a bit date sensitive making it no longer valid. I don't have the time to fix that so I'll just make a suggestion.

    1) Add an "open filter" count to the code above for each category (today, yesterday, prev week).

    2) Remove the ORDER BY from the above so step 3 will work.

    3) Use the code above (modified by step 1 and 2, of course) either as a CTE or a derived table to read from. That will make doing the % calculations a snap.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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