How to eliminate a cursor

  • Hi all,

    To improve performances on SQL Katmai (2K8), I'm searching a way to eliminate a cursor in a SP that produces a table MD5 signature.

    For the master database, I profile that it uses 106 reads, no writes, no CPU and a 1 in duration.

    If any guru can help to find a less resource consuming way to do it... (I think that it may be also useful for other users), here's the code part:

    [font="Courier New"]USE [master]


    -- code to get all the tables MD5 "signature" in a database

    DECLARE @tblSignature NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''

    , @currentTableName NVARCHAR(128) = '';

    DECLARE @signatureMD5 NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''

    , @scriptLen INT

    , @scriptLoop INT;

    -- declare a cursor --<<< is there another way???


    SELECT t.[name]

    FROM sysobjects t WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE t.[type] = 'U';

    -- open cursor

    OPEN CursorTable;

    -- process is done table by table

    FETCH NEXT FROM CursorTable INTO @currentTableName;



    -- initialize variables

    SET @signatureMD5 = '';

    SET @tblSignature = '';

    -- builds the signature by adding elements

    SELECT @tblSignature = @tblSignature + N'|' + c.[name] + N',' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1) , c.is_identity)

    + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10) , c.system_type_id) + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10) , c.max_length)

    FROM sys.[columns] c WITH (NOLOCK)INNER

    JOIN sys.objects o

    ON o.[object_id] = c.[object_id]

    WHERE o.[name] = @currentTableName

    ORDER BY RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY c.[object_id] ORDER BY c.column_id);

    -- to avoid error, split the result by NVARCHAR(4000)

    SELECT @scriptLen = LEN(@tblSignature)

    , @scriptLoop = 1;

    WHILE (@scriptLoop < @scriptLen)


    SET @signatureMD5 = @signatureMD5 +

    CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), HashBytes('MD5' , SUBSTRING(@tblSignature , @scriptLoop , 4000)), 1);

    SET @scriptLoop += 4000;


    -- prints out the result

    PRINT @signatureMD5;

    --- fetch next element

    FETCH NEXT FROM CursorTable INTO @currentTableName;


    CLOSE CursorTable;

    DEALLOCATE CursorTable;



    Thanks all for your valuable advices.

    Philippe RUELLO
    Database Project Manager

  • for step by step you can replace the cursor with a while loop. But to be honest " if it ain't broke don't fix it ".

    Do you want to remove the cursor because you think you should to look cool?

    Do you suffer from a cursor phobia - anyone know if there's an official name ?

    Is it a challenge ?

    Do you win a prize for doing so?

    Seriously though - it's a really simple query to replace with a while which suggests to me you may not be very familiar with T SQL.

    Essentially you put the contents of the cursor select into say a table variable with an identity column and then sequence through the ids in a while loop - which is exactly what a cursor does of course.

    i'm not convinced you can use sets to do your query and sometimes you just want to do sequential ops - I suggest this may be one of them

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Thanks a lot colin.Leversuch-Roberts for the answer you did.

    No price to win 😉 , sorry.

    As you wrote I'm not convinced myself that using a while loop (or a set) would be always better. In this peculiar case, I prefer using a cursor.

    But as we often read that cursor is the bad way :angry: I posted this to get other opinions on the subject.

    Kind regards,

    Philippe RUELLO
    Database Project Manager

  • I think that sometimes the desire to achieve a goal masks the requirement. I've seen many hours spent trying to replace cursor statements on pieces of code which run once a day, e.g. stepping through backup up all your databases ( although that's probably a poor example ) My view is that if it works, is easy to understand and doesn't cause problems on the database/server then don't rewrite for the sake of rewriting.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • colin.Leversuch-Roberts (2/4/2010)

    I think that sometimes the desire to achieve a goal masks the requirement. I've seen many hours spent trying to replace cursor statements on pieces of code which run once a day, e.g. stepping through backup up all your databases ( although that's probably a poor example ) My view is that if it works, is easy to understand and doesn't cause problems on the database/server then don't rewrite for the sake of rewriting.

    well said

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Well, I observe that there's a strange behaviour using this script on over than 100 tables. In fact SQL 2008 creates a #Worktable for the part "SELECT @tblSignature = @tblSignature + N'|' +[...]" which is 1.500.000 reads each times.

    Does someone knows why?

    Philippe RUELLO
    Database Project Manager

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