SQL Performance-Please help

  • Hello,

    There i a performance problem. the scripts are running very slow. The stats are not out dated. database space is ok. I checked the MDF disk space and its 39 GB free space out of 399 GB. Do you think if we increasing the disk space will improve the performance. I ran the execution plan and that looks fine as well. There is 0-10% cost. We even added the missing indexes. Please suggest. My manager is asking how increase in disk space will impact performance?

  • Increasing disk space is not the issue you need to address. First address what is the reason the performance is slow? Are all queries slow or a particular one is significantly slow? Post the Query execution plan, of the query you are dealing with (If trying to tune one query).

    There are many things to look at, have you seen any locking and blocking occuring? Has the system become slow gradually or is it slow at times?

    Bru Medishetty

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  • What are the operations you are performing in the scripts?????

  • hydbadrose (12/17/2009)


    There i a performance problem. the scripts are running very slow. The stats are not out dated. database space is ok. I checked the MDF disk space and its 39 GB free space out of 399 GB. Do you think if we increasing the disk space will improve the performance. I ran the execution plan and that looks fine as well. There is 0-10% cost. We even added the missing indexes. Please suggest. My manager is asking how increase in disk space will impact performance?


    Please read the Jeff & Gail article's added in my signature.

    Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

  • Unless you're in a situation where your database is consistently too small and the auto-grow is set too low, space is seldom the cause of performance issues.

    You said you looked at the execution plan, but you just listed estimated costs. That doesn't tell you much. What operations were associated with these costs? Table Scans, Index Scans, Order operations in support of merge joins, hash joins, work tables? There are so many issues that could be causing the problem and you need to carefully read the execution plan to understand what it's telling you.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Check if the query in the script is optimized or not. Try doing a plan on it.

    Add / drop idx as required to boost the perf. see if this helps

    Also what is within the script? has it been slow once in a while? give more details...

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