Stored Procedure Help

  • I have limited experiance creating stored procedures, so I need some help if possible. I need to use the results of a select statement and run several logic checks on it to determine if I need to run an insert statement. If possible I would like to put this all in one procedure so I can run a dts package on it. Any help would be appreciated.

  • what sort of 'logic check' do you need to do ?

  • You really need to provide more details and explain what you are trying to do. Include some sample data that shows what checks you want to do.

  • SELECT PartLocation, PartNumber, CurrentReorderAmount, AmounttoReorder, CurrentInventory, AmountInDistributionCenter

    FROM InventoryTable

    where (COALESCE (AmountInDistributionCenter, 0)>0)

    If Not SQL End of File then

    If AmountInDistributionCenter>0 Then



    If AmountInDistributionCenter>=AmounttoReorder Then




    End If

    Insert INTO TransferTable

    Select Max of TransferTable Pkey

    If SQL Not EoF Then

    Insert INTO TransferHistoryTable

    End If

    End If

    End If

    Basically something like this. The point of the sub procedure is to grab a list of parts that need to be reordered that are in our distribution center and if there is enough quantity to create a transfer for them then adjust inventory to reflect the the change.

  • What you probably want to do is combine this logic into your select. As you look to insert data, add the "logic" check into the WHERE clause.

    insert TransferTable

    select Product, AmountToReorder

    from Inventory i

    inner join DistributionCenter d

    on i.product = d.product

    where i.inventory = 0

    and d.AmountInDistributionCenter > 0

    and i.AmountToRedorder <= d.AmountInDistributionCenter

    There is no such thing as SQL End of File. You want to think about working with all rows at the same time.

  • It seems a cursor (even a While loop) will help you code the logic you need.


  • right ... the OP is thinking like a C++ programmer who iterates through files and not an SQL programmer who works with sets of data.

    the logic could be put into a few successive selects/updates.

  • Ya i'm actually an asp programmer. What i'm trying to do is go from using an asp page to run this set to try to do it in SQL Stored Procedure. That way I can run it on a DTS package instead of waiting for someone to hit the page or multiple people hitting the page and causing duplication.

  • Also I have other insert statements that use the information from the first sql statement, how would i pull that data to put it into an insert?

  • You'd have to provide more information about what you mean. If you can show a few tables and some sample data, showing how it's inserted, we can help you.

    The thing to do is try and write some of this. We're happy to help, but this isn't consulting where we do all the work for you. Write some queries (SELECT) and see the data returned. Once you have an idea of getting the data for one product, you can remove a WHERE clause that limits it to one product and handle all of them at once.

  • Sorry i'm not trying to have you guys do everything for me. I have never really don't a procedure before and i'm not sure if i can accomplish what i want using one. As far as doin the work, I have the code done is asp for this i'm trying to get around having to load the page every time to run the code. If I can use the record information from the SQL statement then run some logic against I think I can accomplish what i'm looking to do. I just don't know how to pull information from the sql return and the syntax for the logic.

    Here is more examples:

    SELECT PartLocation, PartNumber, CurrentReorderAmount, AmounttoReorder, CurrentInventory, AmountInDistributionCenter, CurrentInventoryLocation

    FROM InventoryTable

    where (COALESCE (AmountInDistributionCenter, 0)>=AmounttoReorder

    Insert into TransferTable PartNumber, PartLocation, Qty, DistribLocation, CurrentInventoryLocation

    Select Max(Transferpkey) from TransferTable

    Insert Max(TransferPkey) Into TransferHistoryTable

    SELECT PartNumber, InventQuantities FROM InventQuantities WHERE (PartNumber=InventoryTable.PartNumber) and InventLocation=DistributionCenter

    If it doesn't exist in InventQuantities Then

    insert the transfer record information into InventQuanities.


    Update InventQuantities with part tranfer information

    End If

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