Using Stored Procedure with Parameter in SSIS

  • Hi All, I have one requirement as bellow.

    I have to extract some records from some tables and Export to the .CSV . So I wrote one SP which will do the business rule for the records, based on the input parameter of SP. Since I'm using the SP I will be selecting the SQL Command as the DataAccess mode of the OLEDB source. And I will be using the Flat file as destination.

    So my package contains ,

    One Data Flow Task

    Inside the Dataflow ,OLEDB Source and Flat File Destination.

    But my SP has no. of parameters, so how can I do this ?

    If I'm using Execute SQL task instead of Data Flow Task , I think I cant pass it to Destination which will be in the Data Flow Tab.

    Please give some ideas.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Mithun C

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Are you unable to use the 'Parameters' option in the OLEDB Reader source component? Alternatively, you may use an 'Execute SQL Task' and send the results to a record set variable and then read that as your source in the data flow. This is a little more complicated but will accomplish the same results if you're unable to use the first option.


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • Hi thanks for the relpy,

    I have tried using Data Flow Task , OLEDB Source , Flat File destination as bellow and was able to do it successfully

    In control flow tab , take the Data flow task,

    Inside the Data Flow drag the OLE DB Source, make DataAccessMode SQL Command,

    In the command section give exec sp_name ? -- if more than one parameter give ? as comma separated ie exec sp_name ?,?,?

    Click Parameters button , give the parameter name(as it in in the SP , say @id) , and then select the Variable (which is already assigned with the value to be passed as input).

    Now select any Destination we need and do the mapping as usual.


    Mithun C

    Thanks & Regards,

  • Yep, be careful on that though, in my experience the OLEDB source object doesn't play well with parameters in sub queries.


    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • Ok , so in that case do you have any other go?

    Thanks & Regards,

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