How to convert column value to fields.

  • Hi all,

    I have multiple record for one particular code in a table. I just want to convert one column values of that table as fields and another column values as values of above created fields.

    Please someone help me.



  • Please read this article[/url]. Then if you have specific questions post back here.

  • Jack is right. We need some sort of image to work from.

    However, you will probably find examples similar to your problem if you search on "CONCATENATE", "CROSS TAB" and "PIVOT".


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Can you give us Sample Input Data and sample out data and few lines about what do you want to do.

  • Hi,

    My data is in the following format:


    Key field1 field2 field3

    K001 1000 1500 800

    K002 700 900 400


    Key fields value

    K001 field4 500

    K001 field5 800

    K001 field6 200

    K002 field4 200

    K002 field5 200

    K002 field6 200

    And now I want to merge it as in table below:


    Key field1 field2 field3 field4 field5 field6

    K001 1000 1500 800 500 800 200

    K002 700 900 400 200 200 200


  • This is a classic crosstab problem. You handle it by case expressions to test the value in the fields column to populate a column in the result set. Because we need only a single line per KEY value, we want to group by that column. Everything else we wrap in the aggregate function MAX, although we know there will only be one value per key.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


    declare @Table1 table (Keyfld char(4), field1 int, field2 int, field3 int)

    insert into @Table1

    select 'K001', 1000, 1500, 800 union all

    select 'K002', 700, 900, 400

    declare @Table2 table (Keyfld char(4), fields varchar(10), value int)

    insert into @Table2

    select 'K001', 'field4', 500 union all

    select 'K001', 'field5', 800 union all

    select 'K001', 'field6', 200 union all

    select 'K002', 'field4', 200 union all

    select 'K002', 'field5', 200 union all

    select 'K002', 'field6', 200

    --select * from @Table1

    --select * from @Table2

    select t1.keyfld,max(t1.field1) as field1,max(t1.field2) as field2, max(t1.field3) as field3,

    MAX(case when t2.fields = 'field4' then t2.value else null end) as field4,

    MAX(case when t2.fields = 'field5' then t2.value else null end) as field5,

    MAX(case when t2.fields = 'field6' then t2.value else null end) as field6

    from @Table1 t1

    join @Table2 t2 on t1.Keyfld = t2.Keyfld

    group by t1.keyfld

    order by t1.keyfld

    Also, please note how I scripted the data you posted to actually populate two table variables so that I could test my solution. This practice was recommended in the article Jack referred to you. If you will set up your problems like this in the future, not only will it get you TESTED solutions quicker, but it will attract more volunteers to help you, and win you friends among them. Good luck.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks Bob,

    Using your solution my problem is solved.


  • Bob's solution is perfect.

    You can even think about using PIVOT table on Table2 to convert rows into columns.

  • nitinkumar_tss (4/14/2009)


    My data is in the following format:


    Key field1 field2 field3

    K001 1000 1500 800

    K002 700 900 400


    Key fields value

    K001 field4 500

    K001 field5 800

    K001 field6 200

    K002 field4 200

    K002 field5 200

    K002 field6 200


    I am curious to know why you have table in two different structures to store similar information (i.e. by looking at the data).

  • VK, I've seen this before in a couple of different contexts. In the absence of Sparse Columns, I've heard it proposed as a way to store "occasional" columns of data, without constantly expanding the schema of table 1. I've also seen a resemblance to table2 when a questionnaire or outside file has been imported into the database. And finally, I've seen this structure proposed as part of some misguided attempt to make an object-oriented database.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • You can even think about using PIVOT table on Table2 to convert rows into columns.

    VK, try an experiment for me. Set up a PIVOT on Table 2, SET STATISTICS TIME ON, and compare PIVOT to the technique of using CASE Statements. You may need to increase the number of rows tested, but it would be interesting to see which runs faster. 😉


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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