Trying to deploy a cube using Microsoft Visual Studio on SQL Server 2005 test server

  • We are trying to venture into creating cubes for some statistical analysis. I am currently using Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server 2005. MVS is on my local PC, and the database with SQL Server is on another machine and is a test server.

    I have created the data sources, created a data source view with the tables, and built the cube. However, when I try to deploy the cube, I get the following error:

    The project could not be deployed to the 'CFDB1\CFDB1' server because of the following connectivity problems : A connection cannot be made to redirector. Ensure that 'SQL Browser' service is running. To verify or update the name of the target server, right-click on the project in Solution Explorer, select Project Properties, click on the Deployment tab, and then enter the name of the server.

    I have tried changing the target server with different database server names and even using the IP address. When I run "select @@servername" and "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName')" the result comes back as "CFDB1." I have the database target name different from anything on the server so that it doesn't overwrite any databases currently on the test server. I also believe that the SQL Browser service is running. What else would I need to check or give information on so that I can get this cube deployed? Thanks in advance.

  • Can you post what your Target properties are, found under Project --> Pages. For eample mine shows

    Server =

    Database = ... this can be anything you need it to be.

    I am running SSAS Service account using a domain account on the server. The domain account is also local admin on the machine.

    I am not running SQL Server Browser

    Can you log into the machine? Can you browse any existing cubes on the SSAS machine?

    Post back with your settings and I will see if I can help further.



  • For the target, I have this:

    Server = 'CFDB1\CFDB1'

    Database = 'ReportCube'

    This is the first cube I am trying to create on this server, and no other cubes exist on this server. I am able to log into the server without any issue as the DBA administrator login.

  • Try to deploy using just the Database and not the instance.

    So in other words, try this

    Server = 'CFDB1

    Database = 'ReportCube'

    Let me know if this works.


  • When I did what you said and try to deploy, here is what I get:

    The project could not be deployed to the 'CFDB1' server because of the following connectivity problems : A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running. To verify or update the name of the target server, right-click on the project in Solution Explorer, select Project Properties, click on the Deployment tab, and then enter the name of the server.

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