How to locate the reports created using report builder in their actual physical location?

  • Hi all,

    Iam having problems locating the reports created using report builder in the actual physical path. I tried to copy the report model solution from one server to another server, the models are created in the new report server but the reports which were created under that model in the existing server are not copied at all.

    Are the report builder reports created for one report server available for that only, or can they be migrated to another one, if yes where are they physically stored?

    Any help appreciated.



  • I am very confused about what you are asking.

    A report model is a defintion for a data set.

    and it resides on the reporting server.

    Reports that use that report model are not stored anywhere.

    Users connect to that model using the Report Builder tool.

    The report is saved where ever the user saves them. Ie local disk, network share etc.

    However if you move the report model to a different server I suspect the saved reports will have an issue because the reference to the model data would point to the old server.

    Am I thinking of the same thing you are?

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I thought the reports which are not saved to file but saved to the report server would reside in a folder in the system so could copy it and upload them to another server but it seems to be a different case altogether as you had pointed out.

    I had to recreate every report which was tedious.

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