how to create our own database in sql server2005?

  • hi friends,

    i am new to this sql server2005.i don't know how to create our own database in sql server2005. i can't find out user databases like pubs and northwind.

    first i write

    create database [database_name]----> database created

    use [database_name]---->giving the following error.

    the error is: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'mydatabase'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

    if anybody knows please tell me.

    thanks in advance.



  • The sample databases pubs and NorthWind are gone. They were replaced with the AdventureWorks database.

    As for creating your own user databases, I'd start with reading Books Online and the CREATE DATABASE statement.

  • You probably tried to create and use the database at the same time. The CREATE DATABASE statement must be in its own batch. Try this:

    create database mytestdb


    use mytestdb


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