Are two Servers necessary?

  • For using Transactional Replication are two severs necessary?

    i mean one server for publisher and distributer and another one for subscriber , or not i can ue one server for these three?

  • I struggling a bit with why you would use the same server that you have as a publisher and possibly a distributor unless you have another instance on the same box that you want to be the subscriber. Can you provide more detail so that I can see what you are trying to do?



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Thank you very much for your kind,

    i am new in using Transactional Replication but i have do a seriouse Project at my work about it,

    so i decided to test everything in my pc, i have configure Publisher and Distributer and Subscriber Succeessfully, but when i start SQL Server Agent my Replication doesnt work and when i monitor the jobs i see some failure, because of the successfull configuration those three, i guess maybe i have to use two deifferent servers and this i my problem,

  • you can configure replication as a publisher, distributor and sunscriber on the same instance of SQL Server. Technically there is no problem as to why you cannot do it. The problem that you face is somewhere else.

    Why dont u paste the error message so we can work on it together.

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