Storage Migration

  • Hi Everyone,

    I need to migrate the data from the old storage to the new Storage HP-SAN.

    Moreover, the SQL Server 2005 Instance is Fail-over Clustered.

    How to move all the databases if it is fail-over clustered from one Storage to New Storage?

    Will it be same as moving databases normally from one storage to another storage or

    Would it be anything different?

    In fact, i am very much new vth SQL Server. I have been learning it.

    Instead, I am Oracle Certified Profeesional. My client has challenged me to du this job.....

    I kneu moving Databases Normally ..but having a konfusion over kluster.....

    When must i change the drive letters in the Cluster Admin...vud it b after moving Databases or b4 moving Databases?

    If the neu Drive letters named same, isnt it necessary to change the deisgnation in the Cluster admin?

    One more klarifikation!...

    Can i reinstall the kluster after normally moving the Databases?

    Please help me out1

    Iz there any documentation doing this?

    Will be waiting 4 ur response!

    Thanking you,



    [font="Arial"]Naga Raju Appani[/font]

  • There are a few things unclear from your post so, a few questions along with a few inputs;

    It appears that you are able to present storage from your new HP SAN to the server at the same time as the current storage is that true? If so then you are sharing the same SAN fabric and things should be a bit easier as you can have the storage admin provision the storage to the server as new drive letters, add them to the cluster resource group and move the database files there by using several methods including the following;

    -sp_detach - move - sp_attach

    -shutdown sqlserver service move all folders and files then use sp_attach

    -shutdown sqlserver service, move all folders and files, change drive letters and startup sqlserver service

    Another option would be to have the storage person make a copy of the current storage to the new disk volumes behind the scenes while sqlserver is shutdown, remove the current disks from the server, present the new disks to the server and startup sqlserver.

    If this is a whole new SAN infrastructure then I'm not so sure how you would be able to do that without using a backup and restore method. I have not had to work through something like that before but I would think that the two SAN systems would not be able to talk unless on the same fabric (i.e. SAN network backbone). Hopefully others that have had this experience can speak to that option in greater detail.

    As to the work with cluster services, it really should be nothing more than adding new resources, the new drives, to the cluster group. You should not have to uninstall / reinstall clustering.

    One final word of caution, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKUPS! : ) You can always recover if you have good backups. The process should not be as bad as it sounds if you take time to plan it out and if possible test it.



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • Hi Nag,

    Take a look at the following resource.,295582,sid87_gci1316451,00.html

    There is quite a lot of information here, with references to additional resources at the base of the page.

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