Do you have a security to-do list?

  • I think this is a great reminder.  So often we get complacent and think "we're fine".  We see all the data breach stories and we think "What were they thinking? How could they have been so dumb?", but we really should instead take a fresh look at our situation just as Steve is imploring us to do. 

    Maybe our personal security practices are rock star, but what about everyone else's?  Have we given proper training to others who connect to our databases?  We may lock our machines every time we get up from our desks, but do we have developers working from a coffee shop who connect to production and then get up and go get a coffee leaving it unlocked?  Do we have any monitoring alerts on that would let us know if hundreds of rows were accessed/deleted by someone who normally doesn't do that? 

    Take 15 minutes today and write down "crazy scenarios" and then brainstorm ways you could "address" them.

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