• I have one Server(Dell Poweredge 600SC, 1GIG of Ram) and want to

    install both Sql Server 2000 & Sql 2005 on the same box(different directories) so they both can work(not at the same time). I had already installed Sql 2000 and it works including the old northwind databases. I installed sql 2005 and I cannot see the new databases, AdventureWorks and get many errors ie. cannot connect to databases etc. I would appreciate any help in solving this problem ie. where did I screw up?

    thanks in advance.

  • First, SQL 2000 and 2005 can be installed on the same server and both be running at the same time. I assume you're not running them at the same time by choice or because of hardware constraints such as memory.

    When you installed SQL 2005, because SQL 2000 was already installed you would have had to have created a named instance. Do you know the name you gave this instance? If not, you can look in Services for a service named "SQL Server (instance_name)".

    When you connect to the SQL 2005 instance, be sure the service is started and that you specify the named instance. For example, for instance Bravo on server James, you would specify the server name as James\Bravo.

    Next be sure you have enabled remote connections in the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration settings for the Database Engine.

    Let me know if this solves your problem. If it does not, please provide more specific examples of the errors you are receiving.


  • Aaron,

    thanks for responing to my post. I see my error - I did not give sql 2005 a 'name instance'. Can this be fixed now or should I remove & re-install sql 2005?

    thanks again

  • So you must not have created a SQL 2005 instance at all, correct? If that's the case you should be able to run setup again and create an instance. Don't forget to go into Surface Area Configuration and allow remote connections for the Database Engine, and certainly don't forget to apply SP2.

  • I will try it and get back to you.


  • ok, I ran setup again and created an instance for sql 2005 but I don't see the adventureworks databases. Whats the problem?

  • You don't see the AdventureWorks database because you can't connect to the instance or you don't see it because when you log in it's not there? Please be more descriptive.

  • with so many times running up the installations can u check in services.msc that how many SQL servers have u installed. Adventure work database doesnt comes by default so while running the set up u will see the option of clien tools with brown color X on the left(like a subtree), u have to click on it so the Adventure works get installed.

  • I don't see the adventureworks database when I connect to the instance. I will re-install the sample databases again and see what happens.

  • In addition to AdventureWorks, you can download other sample databases from

    Here's what is there...

    The following sample databases are currently available for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008:

    The AdventureWorks OLTP database supports standard online transaction processing scenarios for a ficticious bicycle manufacturer (Adventure Works Cycles). Scenarios include Manufacturing, Sales, Purchasing, Product Management, Contact Management, and Human Resources.

    The Adventure Works DW database demonstrates how to build a data warehouse.

    The Adventure Works AS project can be used to build an AS database for business intelligence scenarios.

    The Adventure Works LT database is a highly simplified and smaller sample database which is helpful for those who are new to relational database technology.

  • I tried to re-install the Adventureworks Databases and a message came up and said they were already installed. I can't locate them.

    When I open Sql Server Management studio and connect to my instance (sql2005) under databases I have: system database; database snapshots; ReportServer$2005; and ReportServer$sql2005TempDB. Shouldn't Adventureworks be included here?

  • Hello Sag,

    You need to attach the AdventureWorks databases just like the way you attach user database files copied from one server to another. By default it will write the database files to the drive location you have mentioned and you need to manually attach them.

    Hope this helps you.



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