
  • The details of application are saved in a production database. There are some dependency's of the application details live in a development database only. Personally i would like move the database to a production server to get backed up regularly? Even development database is also backed up. If database servers go down, prod database servers will be brought first in the order before development servers and it depends. But moving the database to production would require write access which i don't want to grant. Any advise? Thanks in advance

  • first.... why in HELL will you have a production database dependent on details stored on a dev database?

    second - what SQL Server license do you have on your Development database? If it is the SQL Server Developer edition then NO DATA AT ALL can be copied to or used by a production server - so you better have the dev box fully licensed  or be using an Express edition as your dev server

  • Development is where development and testing occurs. No production information should be stored there. You certainly shouldn't have weird cross server queries from production to development. This is a fundamentally flawed design. As was pointed out, you're likely violating licensing. However, that's not nearly as bad as just violating plain old common sense.

    Move the production stuff to production. Put appropriate security in place. You should always be following the least-privilege principle. That's the right way to get things done.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Fully agree with the previous 2 posts - but from a purely practical point of view...

    Remember you could create very tight permissions for the account which needs to access the data currently held in dev. So... create a DB on the prod server for the dependant data (or just use the/an existing prod DB if appropriate - which would of course mean that nothing new needed to be backed up); move over the tables required and nothing else; set the appropriate user to have very specific write access, only to the table(s) it needs. As Grant says - least access always!

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