Can''t retrieve the records I want

  • I have 2 tables

    FACILITY - facilityID, facilityNum, familyName, etc

    1, 3456, Smith

    2, 1234, Jones

    PARENT - familyID, facilityID, firstname, etc

    100, 1, Tom

    200, 1, Jane

    300, 2, Kim

    Basically, I want one record for each family - some families will have 2 parents while others will have only 1 parent.

    SELECT     a.[FacilityNum], a.facilityID, a.[FamilyName], b.Firstname, c.Firstname AS other1stname

    FROM         [Facility] a INNER JOIN

                          [Parent] b ON a.facilityID = b.facilityID LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          [Parent] c ON b.facilityID = c.facilityID

    ORDER BY a.facilityID

    The query results were:

    3456 1 Smith Tom Jane

    3456 1 Smith Tom Tom

    3456 1 Smith Jane Jane

    3456 1 Smith Jane Tom

    1234 2 Jones Kim Kim

    The next query I tried was

    SELECT     a.[FacilityNum], a.facilityID, a.[FamilyName], b.Firstname, c.Firstname AS other1stname

    FROM         [Facility] a INNER JOIN

                          [Parent] b ON a.facilityID = b.facilityID LEFT OUTER JOIN

                          [Parent] c ON b.facilityID = c.facilityID and b.firstname<>c.firstname

    ORDER BY a.facilityID

    The query results were:

    3456 1 Smith Tom Jane

    3456 1 Smith Jane Tom

    1234 2 Jones Kim null

    The records I want to pull are:

    3456 1 Smith Tom Jane

    1234 2 Jones Kim null

    Thank you for any help

  • Try sub-ing this into the code... orginal line says

    [Parent] c ON b.facilityID = c.facilityID and b.firstname<>c.firstname

    ... try changing to ...

     [Parent] c ON b.facilityID = c.facilityID and b.firstname< c.firstname


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks Jeff, when I changed the line, my results were

    3456 1 Smith Tom Jane

    3456 1 Smith Jane null

    1234 2 Jones Kim null

    It's kinda frustrating since originally the table design (not mine) had the parent info in the same record as the family record. The client wanted more information stored for each parent so I thought it was a good time to normalize the data.  I can program a work around but I really wanted just one SQL statement to pull both parents since my client likes to write his own reports using  access and is more limited in his SQL abilitlies.


  • If you are not worried in what order the parent's names appear and they do not have the same name then this should work 🙂






     ,c.Firstname AS other1stname

    FROM [Facility] a



    SELECT facilityID,

     MAX(firstname) as Firstname from [Parent]

    group by facilityID

    ) b ON a.facilityID = b.facilityID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [Parent] c ON b.facilityID = c.facilityID and b.firstname<>c.firstname

    ORDER BY a.facilityID

  • Wow, that worked - thanks.  And, I was able to 'order by familyname, facilityID' and it seem to worked.

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