Table self-join for derived columns

  • Hi,

    I have a requirement to derive additional columns and populate the values by doing a self-join.

    I have tried to use self-join and cross apply but not getting the desired results.

    I have attached the desired result format and also included the DDL and sample data.

    Could somebody please help in this regard. Thanks.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Sample1](
    [Column 0] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [Column 1] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [Column 2] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [Column 3] [varchar](50) NULL,
    [Column 4] [varchar](50) NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sample]
    ([Column 0],[Column 1],[Column 2],[Column 3],[Column 4])


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sample]
    ([Column 0],[Column 1],[Column 2],[Column 3],[Column 4])


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sample]
    ([Column 0],[Column 1],[Column 2],[Column 3],[Column 4])


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Sample]
    ([Column 0],[Column 1],[Column 2],[Column 3],[Column 4])





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  • It appears you have two different sets of information shoe-horned into the same table.  Maybe the information was derived from base tables which are more straightforward to query?  How is this table being populated?  CROSS JOIN would work.

    pay_cte as (select * from Sample1 where [Column 0]='PAYMENTFILE'),
    int_cte as (select * from Sample1 where [Column 0]<>'PAYMENTFILE')
    pc.[Column 1] Payment_code,
    ic.[Column 0] Line_ID,
    pc.[Column 2] Batch_Number,
    ic.[Column 1] External_Order_ID,
    ic.[Column 3] Gross_Value,
    ic.[Column 2] Currency,
    pc.[Column 3] File_Date,
    pc.[Column 4] File_Time,
    convert(varchar, cast(ic.[Column 4] as date), 103) Date_Created
    pay_cte pc
    cross join
    int_cte ic;

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  • Steve Collins wrote:

    It appears you have two different sets of information shoe-horned into the same table.  Maybe the information was derived from base tables which are more straightforward to query?  How is this table being populated?  CROSS JOIN would work.

    pay_cte as (select * from Sample1 where [Column 0]='PAYMENTFILE'),
    int_cte as (select * from Sample1 where [Column 0]<>'PAYMENTFILE')
    pc.[Column 1] Payment_code,
    ic.[Column 0] Line_ID,
    pc.[Column 2] Batch_Number,
    ic.[Column 1] External_Order_ID,
    ic.[Column 3] Gross_Value,
    ic.[Column 2] Currency,
    pc.[Column 3] File_Date,
    pc.[Column 4] File_Time,
    convert(varchar, cast(ic.[Column 4] as date), 103) Date_Created
    pay_cte pc
    cross join
    int_cte ic;

    Thanks very much for your helpful reply. It worked perfectly !

    The table itself is actually a dump of a delimited text file. The original requirement is to import delimited data from the text file to the SQL table which should be in the above format.

    Thanks again.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by  pwalter83.

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