SQL Memory usage

  • Hi All ,

    I am a bit confused with SQL Memory usage in my server (SQL dedicated server)

    Total physical memory is 16 GB

    Previous Max memory setting was 14.7 GB and total server memory was 4.7 GB only

    One day I lower down max memory setting from 14.7 GB to 10 GB , to my surprise total server memory becomes 10 GB as well

    I know SQL will consume as much as u give but WHY when max memory setting was 14.7 GB , SQL only uses 4.7 GB ?

    Any feedback is much appreciated

    Thank you

  • I'm not entirely convinced that i'm answering the right question since your English is a little broken (nothing wrong in that, it's my 3rd language)

    if max mem is set to 14.7 but you were only using 4.7 then either sql didn't need it.... or (i'm throwing this out there) , you are on 32 bit.. and task manager will show you that figure.

    even if you enable AWE and  all of the other tricks (I forget the other setting) then you get those numbers (normally 3.7 in buffer cache and the rest is out of process)

    if you changed to 10GB and got 10GB then that's a different question


  • Did you track target server memory?

    Likely you're missing something. SQL Server does use all the memory it can, loading up for buffering data. If data changed, this could account for growth as well.


  • Thanks for the response all

    It's 64 bit and No I didn't track Target server Memory . What should I monitor from this counter related from Total server Memory ?


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