SSIS job error - Exit code - 1073741819

  • Hi,

    I get this strange error when executing an SSIS job - The step did not generate any output. The return value was unknown. The process exit code was -1073741819.

    I have run the SSIS package form the solution and msdb and they work fine but I get this error when running this as an SSIS job.

    Could somebody please help in this regard ?



  • Sounds as if you have a permission on something that the SQL Server Agent account doesn't.  Do you have any logging set up in your package?


  • Thanks John.

    I forgot to mention that this SSIS job failure is intermittent and does not occur on a regular basis.

    I have tried logging to a text file but it wasnt very helpful as I only got the following info-

    #Fields: event,computer,operator,source,sourceid,executionid,starttime,endtime,datacode,databytes,message

    PackageStart,******I001,UK\SRVSQL_ETLTI001_AGT,NENO_BTX_CHART_STAGE,{D1D77B19-01F0-4EA8-B761-C620F7385415},{A87C7347-1478-487F-8A3A-4622DE046AF8},11/10/2019 11:06:35,11/10/2019 11:06:35,0,0x,Beginning of package execution.




  • Are you able to open the All Executions report & check the logs there?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Maybe the logging needs to be more detailed?  It's been a while since I've used SSIS, so I can't remember how you do that.  Also, if it's only happening intermittently, have you examined the control flow of the package to see which tasks are only executed if some condition is met?


  • As far as I can tell - that error is a file system error which seems to indicate that the agent cannot execute the SSIS package because it cannot access the executable.

    I would look to see if there are any processes on the server that could be interrupting permissions - such as group policy, virus scans, etc...

    Jeffrey Williams
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