SSRS Log Retention

  • Hi

    I would like to keep 30 days of SSRS log files

    What i did is :

    >Browse to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin

    >Right click on ReportingServicesService.exe , Edit with Notepad

    >Change the option of KeepFilesForDays with 30 ( equal with 30 days worth of Logs)

    Unfortunately this stuff doesnt work

    It is recycled every 14 days as default

    How do I get this stuff working ?



  • Just curious as to why?  Making sure I'm not missing out on something 😉

    Are you aware of the report execution log (a bit different than error logging) - dbo.ExecutionLog3

  • I would guess the changes were made to the config file, ReportingServicesService.exe.config rather than an exe file. After making any changes to the config file, check the Reporting Services log file for any issues. If the changes were invalid and threw errors, those get logged to the Windows Application log. Changing the KeepFilesForDays setting didn't work correctly on SSRS 2008/2008R2 without a fix (can't remember if it was SP or not) but has worked on other versions. And sometimes the SSRS service needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.


  • HI

    Thanks for the response. Much appreciated

    I am using SQL 2012 so i assume it is not a bug issue ?

    yes I did restart report service after the change


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