ADO faster than OLE!?

  • I am running an SSIS job extracting data from an Oracle database and loading it into a SQL 2016 database. I am using the 64 bit Oracle 18.0 client. Everything I have read says the OLE should be significantly faster than ADO. However I am finding the opposite. I created a simple job that loads about 50 million integer primary keys (no other data, just the integer values). Using the ADO adapter, the job takes about 10 minutes. I stopped the OLE job after 90 minutes and it had only completed about 30 million rows. All of the other settings were held constant. Does anyone have any thoughts on why OLE is running so slowly? At this point, I am considering refactoring all of my jobs to use ADO.

    Thanks in advance

  • I have no thoughts on why OLEDB may be running slower than ADODB, but that has always been my experience.  I don't have the link for it but I also read an article a several years ago that said that ADODB lost favor for use but then came right back because of the difference in performance.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • Try the Attunity drivers:

    Since installing and using these the performance of our SSIS job has improved dramatically

  • It looks like Attunity is only supported on enterprise edition. Sadly, this is running on standard edition.

    I switched my connectors to ADO and the performance has improved dramatically. I'm still not sure why OLE was so slow, but it is a back-burner curiosity at this point.

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