activex script

  • I am trying to create a text file using an Activex Script in SS2005.  However, when I try and add the job, which runs correctly when used as a .vbs file, it won't compile the script and says "the command script does not destroy all the objects it creates".

    However, i really can't see where this is happening.  Below is the code it fails on:


    Function loadTemplate(strTemplateFile)

    Dim strText, objFSO, objFile

    Set objFSO = createObject("scripting.fileSystemObject")

    On Error Resume Next

    Set objFile = objFSO.openTextFile(strTemplateFile)

    If err Then response.write(err.Description)

    On Error Resume Next


    If err Then response.Write(err.Description & " reading file")


    Set objFile = Nothing

    Set objFSO = nothing


    End Function


    Anyone see where I'm going wrong

  • Well, first of all, response.write is not valid in a .vbs file. Are you sure you didn't take that from ASP code?

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  • yes indeed it is and I found out the reason why the script wouldn't compile as well.  apparently a script can only be 3200 nvarcar and my script was over that limit.  Got it sorted, so thanks for your reply

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