Subreport woes

  • Here's an idea of how my report is set up.  I have a main report with a page header, and a subreport in the body.  This runs a second report which has 4 tables, the 4th of which has a subreport in the detail section that runs the third report.  My problem is with page breaks.  I can't seem to control them at all.  I have all my page layout's set at 11w 8.5h.  It renders perfectly on screen but when I export to any of the formats, it goes crazy with the page breaks.


    Any ideas?



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  • Really has nothing to do with subreports, per se.  In my experience with this issue (and trust me, I've been 'round and 'round), I've chosen to do the following:


    1) if you must export to another format, use the html one.  Then, when a use opens it, they can set print paramters...still not pretty...

    2) what I finally ended up doing to control pagination was pull the report via a web frame interface.  For most of my reports, the end users must enter certain criterion and then run the report. (ex--date my web frame interface has a calendar control) putting it in another frame, I've been able to circumvent some of the printing/pagination issues with my own code.


    Someone else might have a better way for you though!  I'm working on migrating to 2005, so I'm crossing my fingers that this issue will be resolved in the newer version.

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