How to read ntext

  • Hi, I have the next table called  NODEPLACEHOLDERCONTENT with this fields

    NodeId int no 4

    PlaceholderId int no 4

    Id int no 4

    PropName nvarchar no 200

    IsResource tinyint no 1

    ResourceId int no 4

    IsBeingInserted tinyint no 1

    IsBeingDeleted tinyint no 1

    IsBeingUpdated tinyint no 1

    NewPropName nvarchar no 200

    NewIsResource tinyint no 1

    NewResourceId int no 4

    PropValue ntext no 16

    NewPropValue ntext no 16

    How can I read the entire propvalue column?

    Thanks for any help.



  • Look for READTEXT on BOL.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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