SELECT ALL FIELDS , best method ??

  • In MS Access I oftern used SELECT * FROM

    or SELECT

    .* FROM

    Are there any other ways to reference all fields in a table, apart from listing all the fields in the SELECT statement.

    Is this ok to do in TSQL, where vwDups is a view to find duplicate records.

    SELECT * FROM [vwDups]

    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0


         RAISERROR 'Error : Dups are present !'

         RETURN -1233


    Please advise ?

  • If all you want to do is get the count you might as well do a
    DECLARE @count INT
      @count = COUNT(*)
    IF @count > 0
       RAISERROR 'Error : Dups are present !'

       RETURN -1233


    You might not notice the performance difference but this one would be faster since you are only getting the count rather than the entire record set.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • I don't think there is anything wrong with Select * except that as columns may be added or removed from the table over time your result set may not be what you expected.

    As mentioned, in your example using Count(*) would be a much better choice.  It would be faster and use less resources.


  • Well, if you just want to send an alert if the view returns something, why not use this as a condition:

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [vwDups])

    That is, if you don't really need to count how many duplicities there are, just return an error if it is so, this should be the most efficient approach. Not only it does not return a rowset, it even does not bother to count returned records - just makes a check whether there is at least one record. As soon as one record is found, the statement is terminated. Also, it does not require declaring any variable to store the result. Of course, if you need the count to be stored and returned or otherwise used, then COUNT(*) is the right solution.

    I tend to use EXISTS (or NOT EXISTS) when checking existence, and COUNT only if I really need to know how many matching records there are - partially because of performance, partially for the sake of clarity of the code. However, it is true that COUNT(*) does the same work and on small tables there hardly is any difference in resources used.

  • If you're wanting to delete dupes you could use a correlated subquery such as:

    DELETE FROM dbo.tblScanDetail





      ID, column1, column2, column3, column4


      tbltable tbltableInner


      tbltable.column1  = tbltableInner.column1

      tbltable.column2  = tbltableInner.column2

      AND tbltable.column3 = tbltableInner.column3

      AND tbltable.column4 = tbltableInner.column4

      AND tbltableInner.ID > tbltable.ID


    You need to have an identity column on the table (represented by ID).

  • Just a quick tip: IF EXISTS( SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [vwDups]) will be a bit quicker to check for existence...

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Now, that's interesting, Farrell... I always assumed that there is no need to use TOP 1 in EXISTS clause, since the EXISTS itself requires only 1 matching record to return TRUE. Is there really any performance gain with the additional TOP 1? I never tested this, but I seem to recall that I read somewhere that it doesn't help

  • I don't think there is any advantage in specifying TOP 1, since EXISTS will stop evaluating anyway, after it has found one matching row.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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